Most certainly!
Also, even when I am in familiar surroundings, if those surroundings are filled with a lot of stimuli then I will still get drained very quickly. I really need not only familiar places, but familiar places in an environment that I can handle - either set up by me, or chosen by me.
Certainly though, with regard to different people - those who I know well and who I get along well with - require less processing than those who are either new or who I don't gel with. As you say, there is a lot more that has to happen mentally in order to make those interactions happen, hence they are more draining.
For me, I even find just being near people drains me to an extent. Even my wonderful family, I need time away from them too. It is like I pick up on their energy, or maybe because my brain just constantly scans through the system when ANYone is around, checking, rechecking that I am doing the right things and haven't missed anything, since it doesn't come naturally to me no matter how well I know someone.
For the recharging part, I have come to understand that because our brains don't multitask very well, that there is almost like a backlog of information yet to be processed. By having downtime, it allows all of this to filter through and hence clear out our brains ready to tackle another thing. If I get TOO overloaded, I get really tired and have to sleep. I believe that in sleep our brains filter all the information we have accumulated and not processed yet more efficiently than when we are conscious.
"Reality is an illusion of the construct of our brains"
"They cannot take away our Self Respect if we do not give it to them" - Gandhi (Life Coaching for Aspies)