^ yep. cause they're not minors, and they have actual rights. i imagine the staff at my old HS felt rather 'untouchable' as a result...at least, some of them did.
middle school too.
CharityGoodyGrace wrote:
I can't wait, I'm so excited, but my parents' hatred for people like me, their disappointment in me for being such a special snowflake, is dampening my enthusiasm!
that's a shame...but you mustn't let your parents disapproval get in the way of what you want. i've butted heads with my own parents over this, countless times, and often they felt like i was disrespecting them merely because i disagreed. maybe lots of parents have that mentality.
you don't sound like the *bad* kind of "special snowflake" to me (i don't really like the term) but it just sounds like what you want goes against what they wanted for you. maybe. what's so wrong with wanting to be different, to them?
CharityGoodyGrace wrote:
I don't dwell on high school; I meant I'm excited about going to college because it's like a second chance to do high school right.
oh okie, thanks for the clarification. i think college is far more different than high shcool, to me it didn't feel like going there all over again, but a new experience entirely.
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