This is about power. Everything is.
The offended parties are assuming that you think you're so high and mighty that they don't even rate a response, and that your silence is a kind of power play intended to let them know that. And if you think it's weird that anyone would interpret a casual everyday interaction as a power play, well, hang on to your ass, because you're about to discover something incredibly important about the world.
Read more:
http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-ways-your ... z2JsCgjmAxI didn't KNOW that. Why would anyone use conversation as a power play? I thought peole talked to get to know each other and enjoy each others knowledge. I was so so soo wrong.
If you want to know why society seems to shun you, or why you seem to get no respect, it's because society is full of people who need things. They need houses built, they need food to eat, they need entertainment, they need fulfilling sexual relationships. You arrived at the scene of that emergency, holding your pocket knife, by virtue of your birth -- the moment you came into the world, you became part of a system designed purely to see to people's needs.
Either you will go about the task of seeing to those needs by learning a unique set of skills, or the world will reject you, no matter how kind, giving and polite you are. You will be poor, you will be alone, you will be left out in the cold.
Does that seem mean, or crass, or materialistic? What about love and kindness -- don't those things matter? Of course. As long as they result in you doing things for people that they can't get elsewhere.
Read more:
http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-harsh-tru ... z2JsFRjY2D
Like . . .really? What if being born NT is like being born with that pocket knife and being autistic is like being born with chop sticks. You are a doctor with chop sticks, and it doesn't work! Wow.
The world can't be that blatantly stupid.