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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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02 Dec 2010, 8:22 pm

Now this obviously borders on the paranormal, but I have a few experiences that bother me and I'd like to figure them out (preferably with a scientifically plausible explanation). I'm a scientist so I'm skeptical of these things as much as anybody else.

I have several memories of occasions where I just had a gut feeling about what another person was thinking about. One of my earliest memories is from school at age 5 when on a few occasions I would say out loud what this gut feeling was telling me, and the teacher would pull me aside with a look of shock and ask me how on Earth I knew that. This happened on at least 4-5 occasions and at last I remember she requested to meet with my mom and told her she was sure I could read minds. I asked my mum about this and she remembers it (even the name of the teacher which confirms my memories), and apparently my mom met with a couple of people at "church" and told them what the teacher had said, and they told her to forget it as it wasn't logical.

More recently I do still get occasional gut feelings; they can be so strong and clear that it's almost haunting when they're realized/confirmed. An example that bothers me almost on a weekly, sometimes daily basis is how in 2007 I suddenly had the feeling that my cousin was going to travel around the country doing service projects, and that he would take with him a guitar and play/sing. This was especially strange as he had never done service projects before, and he didn't even own or play the guitar and he didn't sing. Last year (2009), he took a year out initially to help his parents with the family business, and he told me he bought a guitar and started learning using his earnings from that. After a couple of months his parents business went bust and so they decided to send him on these service projects around the country, starting youth groups for kids etc., and he took his guitar with him and indeed was playing/singing. He had never done or talked about doing any of these things before, and remembering how I saw this in 2007 makes me feel stressed and I can't really explain it as it was just too specific.

There have also been many times when I knew a certain friend who I hadn't seen in a long time was going to come visit me that day, and times when I knew if I would go to a certain place (e.g. a shop), I would bump into a certain person who I may not have seen for months. It's all very weird. Another example is how in 2008 I had the feeling that my old high school friend was going to get gym obsessed and I even felt the need to contact him somehow and tell him to remember to stretch also to improve flexibility, and not just to lift weights. I seen him for the first time in almost 10 years on Facebook a few months later and indeed he had recently taken up going to the gym daily and had bulked/toned up enormously (think front page of Men's Health magazine).

The most obvious explanation is that I just make conclusions based on various pieces of information I may have acquired, but I find this just doesn't explain the strong gut feeling I get, plus the very specific and generally unpredictable nature of the things I tend to see/feel.

I could go on, but reading all this back it just looks absurd. I'm tempted to delete it all but figure I'm anonymous here so it won't do any harm getting it off my chest.


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02 Dec 2010, 8:39 pm

I was told these occurrences are a direct result of the concoction of associated co-morbids.

I was also told it's that it's not an uncommon experience amongst those with autism.


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02 Dec 2010, 9:43 pm

I usually have gut feelings to this extent when I am intoxicated on alcohol.
At that state I can hear most of the time what people are about to say or what is going to happen next in my vicinity. It hasn't been wrong in what i've experienced.
I rarely drink.

Used to have images of what would happen in my future as a child, but I needed to be in the flow for that. Now I have sporadic deja-vu's from what i've experienced on views as a child.

In daily live I have a gut feeling for distress in other people and animals, can't explain it scientifically yet. But it is there nonetheless.
Now if I think of someone I know I usually get a feeling corresponding to the persons state of mood - hard to make out for me the cause of those moods.


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03 Dec 2010, 2:41 am

science- Only 3 percent of the light that enters our eyes is visible light, What is in that other 97 percent that we cannot see??

I believe this to be the 4th dimension which explains psychic phenominon that occurs around the world.
look up: parapsychology and the 4th dimension

Just because it is not understood, nor accepted by the majority of the science community, does not mean that it does not happen. The psychic phenominon does not test well for some reason, but case studies from around the world have shown amazing evidence that it does indeed exist.

I have had psychic experiences my whole life, and when my gut tells me something, it has never been wrong to my knowlege.
Also I used to read my mom mind when I was a kid, it totally freaked her out, but after that, she made me practice often because she saw that my psychic senses could compensate for my social issues....and they do.

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03 Dec 2010, 3:12 am

there are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in the philosophy of those whose minds can entertain only the here-and-now.

Snowy Owl
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10 Jan 2013, 11:39 am

Hi! I feel you there.

first of all, here's a link I found that can explain it better ... es-839.pdf

I'm a claivoyant, also I'm an intelligent person. If you have such a scientific mind you grow up believing this is non-sense, even if you feel it and you see it you still wanna believe that you are normal... if penn and teller say it's BS, it must be.

I had to accept the fact that I'm clairvoyant when i started dating my first boyfriend. This guy was the most normal guy ever, but he had a strong telepathy with all the persons he cared about, including me. of all the times there are two when it got so real that it was undeniable.

This one time, the guy started freaking out at an exact time, we were together and he was so freaked out cause something bad was happening to someone in his family that he started calling everyone. His uncle was working at a security vault in a bank so he was unreachable, one hour later they called him to let him know he was ok, there had been a robery an hour before, and he had a gun pointed at his head... luckily nothing happened.

Another time, 2 years after we had stopped dating and lost touch, he randomly appeared at my house and without asking for me he left me a chocolate. So when I called him and asked him why did he brought me a chocolate he simply replied "cause you are sick, are you not?".... i turned white... I had been sooo sick the day before, i even had to go on ER....

After him I dated another guy, very normal too (no the astral-crap kinda dude) who could do astral projections. Two times I was shocked by him too.

At that time I started reading the cards, but cause I'm skeptic I would not read the future, but the present. I wouldn't ask information to the person about nothing, wouldn't do body reading, no asking questions: just dealing the cards. I was amused about how accurate I could be, I try to be specific naming a situation, saying how many persons are involved and a description of their character. I got people freak out! only one time out of a thousand it wasn't true, and every time i read to people that was (like me!) a skeptical to show them that clairvoyance is something undeniable.

I stopped doing that about 7 years ago, cause I went to live to a country far less mystical than mine where people will say you are nuts if you say something like this out loud even if just for fun (like I was doing). About 3 years ago I heard that I'm autistic, and ever since I'm learning how to live with it. I'm not the feng-shui girl, and I have a boyfriend that really doesn't believe in anything like this.

My boyfriend knows I started believing in all this crap, but he still doesn't believe with me and he couldn't be more opposed so I avoid talking about this things with him. I started doing this thing to show me i can predict things, I'm calling the dices when ever we play and he actually recognized it! Last week he said to some friends that I could call the dices :D i was thinking to myself "so I'm not nuts! YEY! ".

I have found out that the more I learn to live with autism the more accurate my clairvoyance becomes, and specially the last year it's been weird. I heard this one time a girl talking about how she can predict the future, and I kid you not my first thought was "HA! PSYCHO!! !!".... And here I am.

I have visions of things that are gonna happen, sometimes i see them like memories, sometimes I see them like flashbacks, sometimes i hear them, sometimes I just feel them (like your story), like you i can read minds even at the distance.

But the most weird thing I have experienced is what they name in this link "the abstract or psychic mode". Each one of us can be a savant idiot. This is how i call dices, the same way a rainman can count dropped toothpicks... accepting information is energy (and my brain can count faster than i do it). It doesn't work always cause i find it scary. I do the same while playing pool haha i love it when people see me sucking, making fun of me and all of a sudden I have amazing hits. Doesn't last long, but i think I can train it (predicting dices has improved since i started doing it).

This link is something I just found today while searching on clairvoyance and autims (same way i found your post), it had never occurred to me I wasn't the only one that had an "abstract mode" while i have know this of me for the last year of so.

you shouldn't forget destiny is nothing but a very complex mathematical equation. It is unpredictable cause of the great amount of information you have to process to get to the outcome, out of which a lot is out of reach for one person. But you are an autist, the moment you let your mind surf that network of interactions (seeing information as energy only makes the processing go automatically), you might be able to see the result.

Gosh, It sounds like I've gone nuts hahaha i've seen the light guys!! lol XD luckily Einstein is with me on this one!

“Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.” -A. Einstein.

Good luck!


Tufted Titmouse
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10 Jan 2013, 2:33 pm

Scizoid personalites have flashed of omninpotence at times.

I know that from experiance... I have doubled on 12 in blackjack and got a 9. Not only that I certain that If I didnt doubled on that 12 the dealer would get a 21 instead of busting. (yes this is exactly what happened and the dealers were shocked as if they saw someone rising from a grave)

But that doesnt happens all the time.. as a blackjack card counter I am loosing... quiet a lot.

2. Sensitivity to the unconscious feelings of others
Possibly because they are undefended against the nuances of their own more primal
thoughts, feelings, and impulses, schizoid individuals can be remarkably attuned to unconscious
processes in others. What is obvious to them is often invisible to less schizoid people.

3. Oneness with the universe
Schizoid individuals have often been characterized as having defensive fantasies of
omnipotence. For example, Doidge (2001, p. 288) mentions a seemingly cooperative patient
who “disclosed, only well into treatment, that he always had the omnipotent fantasy that he was
controlling everything I said.” Yet the schizoid person’s sense of omnipotence differs in
critical ways from that of the narcissistic or psychopathic or paranoid or obsessional person.
Rather than being invested in preserving a grandiose self-image or maintaining a defensive need
for control, schizoid people tend to feel connected with their surroundings in profound and
interpenetrating ways. ... namics.pdf

I never discusses what happens with me (quite rarely I am afraid) at a blackjack tables.. . not even
with my therapist....

I was shocked that a psychological thesis might describe in detail the feelings I sometimes get... so accurately.

Are you sure you are autistic and not schizoid?

Snowy Owl
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10 Jan 2013, 3:27 pm

AceX wrote:
Scizoid personalites have flashed of omninpotence at times...........

Are you sure you are autistic and not schizoid?

are you asking me? if so you are gonna have to explain yourself a bit ;)


Tufted Titmouse
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10 Jan 2013, 3:52 pm

I know I am scizoid... but used to think I was an aspie until I found that article here.

It could be combos case as well.... couldnt it?

Snowy Owl
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10 Jan 2013, 5:03 pm

hahaha i don't know jack about that ;)

I don't feel i can control anything haha I just have visions of the future like flashbacks or memories, and i can calculate the trajectory of things. above all I don't fear i'm crazy.... i embrace my craziness like the one thing that makes me awesome. I like being unique, none the less there is a kind of judgement that is unnecessary and that can be hurtful, specially if you live by what you believe.

It depends a lot on your culture, if they make fun of everything weird you will laugh of everything weird too (and try to not be weird so no one laughs at you) and this is normal from social dynamics. We just have this program in our minds to reject everything that is different, and that's how i was raised (making fun of hippies, no space for diversity) and i think is normal to us humans to fear things that are different.

Nonetheless, i'm changing as i grow... i care less and less about what other people think of me as i accept that i'm far more complex that their minds allow, and i respect more and more people that is able to do the same and live by what they believe no matter what kinda crazy s**t they are into.

My conclusion is, I only feel deeply embarrassed to accept something that sounds so profoundly irrational, that has been labeled as hoax by the scientific community as it is tarot reading, or clairvoyance, same as to mediums and stuff like that. I grew up watching cosmos and i admire carl sagan, but when i watched his movie i felt so utterly embarrased.... how can such a scientific mind even suggest that there is a heaven, a life after death.

Only shortly have I started to accept that the lack of logic behind certain things may be due to a shortage of knowledge from our species, absence of proof is no proof of absence. And after all, wasn't it totally illogical to first humans that there are fires floating in the skies?
