Does anyone else like to be covered up and not exposed

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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14 Jan 2013, 12:08 pm

For example

In bed i have to have my bed cover fully over me even in the summer i can't just lay in bed with nothing covering me and when i go out i don't like to go out wearing just a t shirt i always have to have a coat or something over the top. It sort of makes me feel safer.


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14 Jan 2013, 12:16 pm

I prefer being covered as well. As a child I often refused to take off my outside jacket, even if I was inside. I still feel safer with a jacket on. Also, I only wear long pants. Shorts make me feel too exposed. I like to sit in corners with my back facing the wall. Sitting in the middle of a room with nothing to lean onto is worst.

Snowy Owl
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14 Jan 2013, 12:23 pm

Yes. I don't own a single pair of shorts. I can't stand not having my legs covered. I avoid swimming and beaches because I don't want to be exposed. I prefer long sleeves and jackets, and like to dress in layers, but I'm also really sensitive to heat so I do have to break down and wear short sleeves in the summer. (I dislike it, though.) I can't fall asleep unless I'm completely covered up with multiple blankets, which means I end up cranking the A/C in the summer. I also can't wear anything tight, and I prefer loose-fitting clothing.

Tufted Titmouse
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14 Jan 2013, 12:24 pm

Sanctus wrote:
I prefer being covered as well. As a child I often refused to take off my outside jacket, even if I was inside. I still feel safer with a jacket on. Also, I only wear long pants. Shorts make me feel too exposed. I like to sit in corners with my back facing the wall. Sitting in the middle of a room with nothing to lean onto is worst.

I don't like wearing shorts either.

tonmeister wrote:
Yes. I don't own a single pair of shorts. I can't stand not having my legs covered. I avoid swimming and beaches because I don't want to be exposed. I prefer long sleeves and jackets, and like to dress in layers, but I'm also really sensitive to heat so I do have to break down and wear short sleeves in the summer. (I dislike it, though.) I can't fall asleep unless I'm completely covered up with multiple blankets, which means I end up cranking the A/C in the summer. I also can't wear anything tight, and I prefer loose-fitting clothing.

I also hate tight clothing and have never been a big fan of the beach or swimming pools.

Blue Jay
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14 Jan 2013, 12:35 pm

No I hate the feeling of something touching my lower leg such as pants for a long period of time. It makes me feel like going hulk on the pants. Although if I find the perfect pair of pants I do wear them all the time. The thing is those pants don't last long for the same reason.

Sea Gull
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14 Jan 2013, 12:37 pm

I actually read somewhere that being covered up (especially the head) is a common trait.
For me it's a couple things...
1) I could wear a hat all the time, growing up my mother use to tell me I'd go bald from wearing them so often. Of course it happened (yea it was the hat and not hereditary)
2) I often sit with my one arm draped over my head (when i'm not wearing a hat)
3) When taking a snooze during the day I'll put a pillow over my head (giving my wife every opportunity to cash in on those life insurance policies)


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14 Jan 2013, 12:48 pm

Sensitivity to temperature had always been part of my sensory issues. When I feel cold I FEEL cold so you betcha im going to be covered head to toe.


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14 Jan 2013, 12:59 pm

I like being covered when I sleep, but I never wear long sleeved shirts. my arms are insensitive to cold.


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14 Jan 2013, 1:05 pm

I'm the exact opposite - it's been warm the past couple of nights and I've slept better because I didn't have to be covered up so much.


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14 Jan 2013, 1:10 pm

Socks are my exception - they bother me to no end. But, otherwise - absolutely, I prefer to be covered up.

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14 Jan 2013, 1:16 pm

I have no problem wearing shorts and short sleeve shirts; however, I have to be covered up to sleep. I sleep under a pile of 5 or 6 blankets regardless of the temperature, and most of the time, when I wake up, my head is covered as well.


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14 Jan 2013, 1:22 pm

Sanctus wrote:
I like to sit in corners with my back facing the wall. Sitting in the middle of a room with nothing to lean onto is worst. wrote:
When you get together
you must feel everyone has brought
his fierce privacy with him
and is ready to share it. Prepare
yourself though to keep something back;
there’s a center in you
you are simply a comedian
without. Beyond this, it’s advisable
to have a skill. Learn how to make something:
food, a shoe box, a good day.
Remember, finally, there are few pleasures
that aren’t as local as your fingertips.
Never go to Europe for a cathedral.
In large groups, create a corner
in the middle of the room.
—Stephen Dunn

Snowy Owl
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14 Jan 2013, 1:22 pm

I always wear pants, a t-shirt, my jacket (can't go anywhere without it), I never wear sandals, always boots or sneakers and I am often wearing a beanie on my head.


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14 Jan 2013, 1:25 pm

Yes and . I sleep with nothing over me if I am too hot. If it's warm out, I don't need a jacket or else I will get too warm.

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14 Jan 2013, 1:30 pm

I feel much more comfortable when i'm wearing a hat. I always have my arms and legs covered, which is because of my scars, but I do feel more comfortable that way, though that may just be because i've grown accustomed to it. I also prefer to sit in the corner of a room, where I can see everyone/everything, without being the center of attention myself.


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14 Jan 2013, 2:00 pm

Anomiel wrote:
Sanctus wrote:
I like to sit in corners with my back facing the wall. Sitting in the middle of a room with nothing to lean onto is worst. wrote:
When you get together
you must feel everyone has brought
his fierce privacy with him
and is ready to share it. Prepare
yourself though to keep something back;
there’s a center in you
you are simply a comedian
without. Beyond this, it’s advisable
to have a skill. Learn how to make something:
food, a shoe box, a good day.
Remember, finally, there are few pleasures
that aren’t as local as your fingertips.
Never go to Europe for a cathedral.
In large groups, create a corner
in the middle of the room.
—Stephen Dunn

I like it. I should really start reading poetry again, I remember that it was almost as good as stimming.