jk1 wrote:
I don't know if I'm interpreting the question correctly, but yes, my interaction with certain people is worse than with others. With some people, even after knowing them for a few years, I somehow get very uncomfortable and my voice start becoming shaky and I find them looking puzzled about my visible nervousness. I must be looking completely odd. Sometimes it seems to be interpreted wrongly and makes the relationship with them even worse.
This holds true for me especially if my stress level is very high, i actually feel nervous and you could hear it in my voice when i was talking to my gf of 5 years. This was only during a period of severe stress, otherwise i am fine with her.
Now as for the everyone else, i am more comfortable talking to people who know me. Those i am not friends with or don't know i get nervous around.
Also i get very nervous and anxious inside stores which is noticeable according to my gf. She usually tries to act as a "buffer" for me so that she can deal with approaching humans easier. One of my doctors talks directly to her regarding me and he's really nice, he never stares at me he may glance quickly yet i think he knows about the whole Autie eye contact issues.
Other times i have been in a "group" (3 or more including myself persons standing talking) well i'm usually not talking, my gf will so i kind of usually step back and away from everything.
I've done this even with neighbors sometimes, yet they know i have social issues so i don't think they mind.
One of our neighbors, her husband seems like a total Aspie! He's real cool though. He waves at me. He doesn't talk a lot at all hardly.
He has very very specific interesting with collecting certain things and specific cars. He doesn't do the eye contact thing for long at all either.