Raziel wrote:
Well at my university and the ppl I live together with don't know about my ASD.
So, I can act more or less pretty well kind of like an NT, but under too much pressure it doesn't work anymore.
I have AS and this is what it's like for me as well.....I don't have many friends as it is, but I've only told two of them that I have a ASD. The rest of my friends & acquaintances don't know and probably just think I'm really quiet, shy, and weird at times. If they only knew that internally there is a lot more going on.
It really depends on the situation and the setting though, and my mood & over all feeling at the time. My stimming is generally relatively mild, mainly consists of twisting/rubbing/bending of the hands & fingers, but I do do this a lot more when interacting with people. Sometimes I'll swing my legs or twist my body/legs around, something I totally do with out noticing, my friends have probably just become used to the random things I do and pass it off as something that "I" do. I will say, over the years I have learned to suppress some of my quirky mannerisms and behaviors.
I am really quiet though, I probably won't speak to you unless you speak to me first. I'm really spacey, often spacing out and getting distracted by various patters/textures/lights/anything that spins. I practically never ever make eye contact, and my eyes do move & scan around a lot.
So when people meet me or interact with me I probably just come across as a bit "off" or slightly askew...Most of the time I'm so quiet and in my own world people often forget that I'm even there, this has happened quiet often actually.