I live out in the country, we aren't completely rural, yet it's country and fruit groves. It'd be considered a small town and redneck area.
Believe it or not, most the folks here are nice and a lot are country folk who respect you if you respect them.
Obviously our neighbors know i'm "special" yet they never are mean to me and still are nice and greet me sometimes.
It probably varies in the area you live. I've lived in the NYC suburbs and that was one of the coldest areas i've ever been in. People were mean and snotty and looked at me like i was some type of deviant. You could just see the high school cliques beaming off them as they automatically judged me "bad not normal not acceptable" to them there.
Another different area i've lived in was very very rural, very few people. Those there were respectful, no problems.
I will never live in huge cities or big areas again. The worst was the suburbs.
I enjoy the country and the friendliness of the folks that live here. This neighborhood has great character and characters and different various people have their own quirks, so i guess that may be why they are less judgemental. There are also common denominators among the folks that live here that i think may make the neighbors more protective of us all, it is unique and i appreciate it here.