This is a tough one. I sort of see the whole " Aspie pride" or whatever you want to call it, as sort of making lemonade out of lemons. At the same time, people on The Spectrum have a lot to offer but in a NT world, many don't care or want to see what a person with ASD has to bring to the table.
I'm still currently undiagnosed but for me it's like this, I don't hate myself but there are many things I don't like about my ASD.
I hate how it makes me come off awkward and socially inept.
Having my intelligence insulted despite being fairly educated and being on a college level in most school subjects, save for math.
The Anxiety and anal retentiveness-being very inflexible about things, constant worrying, needing a ridged routine. Then being called selfish, self-centered, and having my feelings totally dismissed.
The extreme shyness even now in my 40s, mostly in the workplace.
Being told my interests are weird, stupid, pointless, and " no one wants to hear about them, STFU". However, if someone yammers on and on about sports, then that's ok. So, I've learned to just keep my interests to myself or only talk about them online in specific places.
So yeah, it's easy to see why suicide is high with people who are on the spectrum. Sorry for the rant
The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.” ― Turkish Proverb
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