I'd absolutely say I have a sense of humour, and that it's quite developed. It's hard to properly bring out on here as WP is a pretty serious-minded place and neither do I want to confuse anyone, but the vast majority of TV I watch, I watch primarily for humour, intentional or otherwise. The programmes I find funniest are a mix too; things like Shooting Stars, Early Doors, Parks & Recreation, the Apprentice, Peep Show, Jeeves & Wooster, the Simpsons, MasterChef. I think the key elements are things like self-deprecation, dryness, low-level Schadenfreude, repetition, surrealism, daftness, intelligent plots, etc. I've also found that in growing up, things I used to find funny are now not funny at all. They're either derogatory, obvious, formulaic or self-satisfied. Without a laughing track I'd be unsure of the big laughs in routines like on Friends, or with much of the preening Live at the Apollo comedians. On the whole though I sometimes wonder if I'd just be happy holding the "play" button on a cassette player half-down to hear chipmunk-like 10x speeds/frequencies all day.