Most of my dreams are weird. I must be more stressed-out than feel, or it's a side effect from one of my meds (when I was on a higher dosage I had disturbing dreams about being unable to walk or move), or it's supposedly from a lack of empathy according to this link to an online test I took on this site. I used to be kind of into dream analysis for a while, so much that my mom bought me this book about it. But I found the "meanings" behind things in my dreams to be even more confusing (they each had three different explanations, one of them being religious). My NT mother has unusual dreams too, about a week ago she told me she dreamed that my grandmother, who's around 90, was pregnant! And when she was in the hospital giving birth my mom is yelling at her HOW CAN YOU BE BE HAVING A BABY YOU'RE TOO OLD YOU'LL BE LONG GONE BEFORE THE KID IS EVEN GROWN!! ! She must have had that dream because some 70-year-old lady had a baby in the UK and they were in a real uproar about it.