All the time. I posted a thread called "Ever say something stupid?" about that very thing. I had taken my 15yo daughter to a friends house and met the mother for the first time. The mother had one of those short in the back, longer in the front, spiked on top Jon and Kate Plus 8, Kate hairstyles and the top was spiked up like a rooster. I was entirely too pleased with that spikey part on the top and kept staring at it. I complimented her on her hair of course, asked who did it, if it was easy to style, etc. The NORMAL things to do when you really like somebody elses hair. Then I said "Can I touch it?" just like a 5 year old. She let me. It was only later that evening that I realized I shouldn't have said that.
Also, I suppose this was the worst one I ever did. My oldest son was about 13 and had asked me to call the parents of a boy he used to be friends with and invite him to our house since we had moved a long way away, and they hadn't talked for a while, then he wanted to talk on the phone to the boy after I was done talking to the mother. I called and when I started asking the mother if the boy could come over, she said "We lost him last year". Most people know what that means, even I know that that means, but said like that unexpectedly, I took it completely differently. I said "Oh my God! How long did it take you to find him?" She handed the phone to her husband who explained. He was killed in a dirt bike accident. I apologized profusely and told him that I didn't mean it like it came out, I wasn't making light of it or how she said it, I just couldn't process that he had been killed, I only thought of "lost" as in "lost at the mall" or something. He understood. Sort of. I did send the parents a plant with a sympathy note and a note of apology for my blunder.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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