In what way do you feel this planet is the wrong planet?

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11 Feb 2013, 4:34 pm

I am curious as to why you guys feel this planet is the wrong planet?

(1) Do you think you landed on the wrong planet/world?

(2) In what way is this the wrong planet/world?

(3) How should the planet/world be if it was to be "right"?

I definitely feel this is the wrong planet. But perhaps it is for other reasons than why you might think it is wrong.


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11 Feb 2013, 5:06 pm

Pretty simple, really... If you have a disability like autism, you are by definition living in a world that expects you to have skills you don't have. In the case of autism, that's social skills, sensory stuff, language, transitions... etc. The "right planet" would be one that had room for autistic people, and was set up in such a way that autism did not leave a gap between what was expected of us and what we can actually do, which often simultaneously leaves us unable to use our skills to contribute to the rest of the world.

I think it can be done though. Set things up so that they can be adjusted--education, work, interaction, daily life--to whatever level of skill you happen to have in any particular area. We already have some of that for physical disabilities, like aisles in grocery stores wide enough for a wheelchair to get through but also useful for two shopping carts to pass each other; or captions on a TV program that can be used by deaf people, but also people whose roommates are sleeping. Flexibility is the key, so that everybody can participate fully and contribute fully, including NTs and people with physical disabilities as well as those dealing with neurodevelopmental disorders, mental and physical illnesses, and even the normal effects of aging. Humans are special partly because of the degree to which we can cooperate with each other, to an extent never observed in any other animal. If we use that, we can create a world that'll be the right planet for everyone--not just those with the expected set of abilities.

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11 Feb 2013, 5:46 pm

I am curious as to why you guys feel this planet is the wrong planet?

I think it is cliché to say I am from the wrong planet, almost as if someone is bragging when they say "I'm not from this planet" as if they are special and unique. That is the awkward vibe I got when I first heard of a site called "Wrong planet" for people with autism.

(1) Do you think you landed on the wrong planet/world?

Yes, more specifically I believe everyone has different priorities then me that are more geared towards their primitive instincts.

(2) In what way is this the wrong planet/world?

Most people from this planet are expressive, emotional, social. I can't relate to this.

(3) How should the planet/world be if it was to be "right"?

A right planet to me that I would feel at home on would consist of the following qualities:

People would follow all rules, regulations. The world would be focused heavily on science and technology. There would be no movies or TV series or much fictional entertainment at all. Musical lyrics would be all about the wonders of the universe and existence and not about love or trivial interpersonal issues. People would rarely be violent towards each other or act on their emotions. People would only speak to each other when it is necessary and would not bother with small talk, unnecessary greetings, fake expressions or gestures. Just some of the things that would make me feel at home.

I definitely feel this is the wrong planet. But perhaps it is for other reasons than why you might think it is wrong.

I do too but I dislike the cliché of saying "wrong planet" and I never use this stereotyped phrase to describe the experience of autism


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11 Feb 2013, 8:06 pm

I don't think I'm on a wrong planet/world - I'm on a bad planet/world that is far too ignorant, and it doesn't accept people who are different from the norm in any way. But I don't think I could adjust to any other planet/world without going through a lot of difficult stuff, so I think I'll just stay here.

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11 Feb 2013, 9:15 pm

I have not been diagnosed.
But I do feel as though I am sometimes on the 'wrong' planet as I feel different to other people...if I watch a film or read a book I sometimes feel a strong connection to the book/film like I can imagine that being my 'right' planet.
Often I wonder if I was born in the wrong period in time...feeling like I belong in Game of Thrones or something...
I feel the world is...somehow messed up...socially, looking around in class, in the mall all for example I see girls trying to outdo girls...following fashions and thinking they are individual when I swear I just saw the same group of people the last time I was there... im not saying all girls are like this but in my school and city it certaintley seems the majority are...its just a small example of how I wish the world was different I guess, how I feel I don't fit it, having absoultely no compassion to ever act or be a sheep to people, It kind of frustrates me how some boys really dig the whole 'look' they have, heavy makeup, showing off their 'assets inapropriately just for the attention.
I kind of wish their was still some respect for people 'medieval period' for example, I know it was not perfect im not saying it was, but as things such as womens rights changed I do wish the world didn't lose its manners and curtoresies.
I could go on forever about the corrupt world I feel trapped inside.


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11 Feb 2013, 9:38 pm

The only part of the planet that I feel is the wrongplanet is this forum ;).


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11 Feb 2013, 9:47 pm

This planet that I am on is the right planet for me. Once I take over it, eberrything will be even righter.


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11 Feb 2013, 11:54 pm

btbnnyr wrote:
This planet that I am on is the right planet for me. Once I take over it, eberrything will be even righter.
World conquest, huh? You'll have to get in line behind my cats. :lol:

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12 Feb 2013, 12:44 am

It's not the planet, it's the inhabitants thereof. I meet a lot of people who aren't comfortable when someone different comes along. Too many people expecting me to be like them, to change who I am so I fit in, most often for their benefit and not mine.

I want a world where it's universally recognized that people don't all fit into nice, neat little categories, and it's perfectly all right everywhere to be in a class of your own.


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12 Feb 2013, 6:05 am

It just means that you don't fit in with 'everyone else' (i.e. the majority).

In other words, you feel different to everyone else, alien.

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12 Feb 2013, 8:15 am

The planet itself is not "wrong".
Some people on this planet seem to be the wrong people, because they're evil and cruel. Though not everyone is.
Saying that "the planet is wrong" makes no sense, because a planet is a sphere made of chemical elements, that orbits aroung the sun.
Maybe the thing that is wrong with this planet is that it's very polluted, but again, that's the fault of human race, so again, the fault is not of the planet itself.


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12 Feb 2013, 9:55 am

Very interesting answers. Goes to show how differently people perceive this concept of "wrong planet".

Here is how I see it:

Basically I have a concept of 2 worlds:

(1) The neurotypical world.
(2) The autistic world.

We all live in the neurotypical world. (But should have lived in the autistic world).

The following defines these worlds:

(1) In the neurotypical world (the world we know):
- any action based on true altruism is punished.
- any action based on egoism is rewarded.

(2) In the autistic world:
- any action based on true altruism is rewarded.
- any action based on egoism is punished.

The MAIN difference between these two worlds is that

(1) The neurotypical world is UNFAIR. The less of a f**k you give the better.
(2) The autistic world is FAIR. The more you care the better.

In the neurotypical world life is in the end all about survival and competition. Acting truly un-selfish is a sign of mental illness. Not caring about other people for their own sake, but only caring about yourself, is a sign of mental health. It is good to care about others, but only if it is to your own benefit. True altruism is punished.

Kindness will be punished in the neurotypical world. You should think of yourself and act as if you were the most important creature that ever existed. The more stone-cold of a heart, the more rewarding the neurotypical world is.

This is what is basically wrong about the neurotypical world. It praises evil and punishes the good-hearted. The neurotypical world is simply UNFAIR.

Living in the autistic world, life would on the other hand be FAIR. It would pay off to truly care about others (not because it would benefit yourself). The big heart would be praised, while the cold-hearted punished.

Feeling this way, it is obvious that I feel I am on the wrong planet.


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12 Feb 2013, 3:35 pm

qawer wrote:
Very interesting answers. Goes to show how differently people perceive this concept of "wrong planet".

Here is how I see it:

Basically I have a concept of 2 worlds:

(1) The neurotypical world.
(2) The autistic world.

We all live in the neurotypical world. (But should have lived in the autistic world).

The following defines these worlds:

(1) In the neurotypical world (the world we know):
- any action based on true altruism is punished.
- any action based on egoism is rewarded.

(2) In the autistic world:
- any action based on true altruism is rewarded.
- any action based on egoism is punished.

The MAIN difference between these two worlds is that

(1) The neurotypical world is UNFAIR. The less of a f**k you give the better.
(2) The autistic world is FAIR. The more you care the better.

In the neurotypical world life is in the end all about survival and competition. Acting truly un-selfish is a sign of mental illness. Not caring about other people for their own sake, but only caring about yourself, is a sign of mental health. It is good to care about others, but only if it is to your own benefit. True altruism is punished.

Kindness will be punished in the neurotypical world. You should think of yourself and act as if you were the most important creature that ever existed. The more stone-cold of a heart, the more rewarding the neurotypical world is.

This is what is basically wrong about the neurotypical world. It praises evil and punishes the good-hearted. The neurotypical world is simply UNFAIR.

Living in the autistic world, life would on the other hand be FAIR. It would pay off to truly care about others (not because it would benefit yourself). The big heart would be praised, while the cold-hearted punished.

Feeling this way, it is obvious that I feel I am on the wrong planet.

I'm not a selfless person. I can't being selfish, or at least looking like if I were. When I'm into troubles with other people I think about myself first, and maybe about them after I've saved myself. That's supposed to be selfishness. Whatever. Unlike most people, I don't consider selfishness as an evil thing, but as a natural thing. Other animals are selfish. Humans are animals too, therefore they tend to be selfish as well. It's called "self-preservation".
I don't think altruism and kindness are punished. I've always been criticized for looking selfish and unkind, but I've never met someone who was criticized because of being selfless and kind.
To conclude, I don't see the world divided between the "evil world" and the "good world". I only see the world divided between my inner world and the outside world. Into my inner world there is myself and my life. Into the outside world there are other things and people. People told me I'm selfish because of my vision of the world.


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12 Feb 2013, 5:11 pm

chlov wrote:
qawer wrote:
Very interesting answers. Goes to show how differently people perceive this concept of "wrong planet".

Here is how I see it:

Basically I have a concept of 2 worlds:

(1) The neurotypical world.
(2) The autistic world.

We all live in the neurotypical world. (But should have lived in the autistic world).

The following defines these worlds:

(1) In the neurotypical world (the world we know):
- any action based on true altruism is punished.
- any action based on egoism is rewarded.

(2) In the autistic world:
- any action based on true altruism is rewarded.
- any action based on egoism is punished.

The MAIN difference between these two worlds is that

(1) The neurotypical world is UNFAIR. The less of a f**k you give the better.
(2) The autistic world is FAIR. The more you care the better.

In the neurotypical world life is in the end all about survival and competition. Acting truly un-selfish is a sign of mental illness. Not caring about other people for their own sake, but only caring about yourself, is a sign of mental health. It is good to care about others, but only if it is to your own benefit. True altruism is punished.

Kindness will be punished in the neurotypical world. You should think of yourself and act as if you were the most important creature that ever existed. The more stone-cold of a heart, the more rewarding the neurotypical world is.

This is what is basically wrong about the neurotypical world. It praises evil and punishes the good-hearted. The neurotypical world is simply UNFAIR.

Living in the autistic world, life would on the other hand be FAIR. It would pay off to truly care about others (not because it would benefit yourself). The big heart would be praised, while the cold-hearted punished.

Feeling this way, it is obvious that I feel I am on the wrong planet.

I'm not a selfless person. I can't being selfish, or at least looking like if I were. When I'm into troubles with other people I think about myself first, and maybe about them after I've saved myself. That's supposed to be selfishness. Whatever. Unlike most people, I don't consider selfishness as an evil thing, but as a natural thing. Other animals are selfish. Humans are animals too, therefore they tend to be selfish as well. It's called "self-preservation".
I don't think altruism and kindness are punished. I've always been criticized for looking selfish and unkind, but I've never met someone who was criticized because of being selfless and kind.
To conclude, I don't see the world divided between the "evil world" and the "good world". I only see the world divided between my inner world and the outside world. Into my inner world there is myself and my life. Into the outside world there are other things and people. People told me I'm selfish because of my vision of the world.

You are right, selfishness is a natural thing. But that is exactly what I think is basically wrong about this world. Animals are not any better. In the end you should want to kill others to save yourself if you were put in a situation where you could not both survive. I know that is not going to happen, but the basic assumption of the world/nature is evil.

So people are not evil for being selfish. It's only natural. But it's a wrong world in the sense that you are supposed to be selfish. The more the better.


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12 Feb 2013, 5:22 pm

(1) In the neurotypical world (the world we know):
- any action based on true altruism is punished.
- any action based on egoism is rewarded.

(2) In the autistic world:
- any action based on true altruism is rewarded.
- any action based on egoism is punished.

I think you are prejudiced against NTs. My NT mother has always rewarded altruism. Most NTs agree that altruism is a good thing.

I don't think autistics are any more or less moral than NTs. We just approach things differently.


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12 Feb 2013, 6:18 pm

Ettina wrote:
(1) In the neurotypical world (the world we know):
- any action based on true altruism is punished.
- any action based on egoism is rewarded.

(2) In the autistic world:
- any action based on true altruism is rewarded.
- any action based on egoism is punished.

I think you are prejudiced against NTs. My NT mother has always rewarded altruism. Most NTs agree that altruism is a good thing.

I don't think autistics are any more or less moral than NTs. We just approach things differently.

I am sorry to use that terminology, but it is only terminology. I don't mean neurotypical people, I just mean the pure animalistic way of living.

Neurotypical people can be very very kind and altruistic. But nature does not reward that!! It is that fact, which I have a problem with. Nature is simply not fair and I am not content with that. I would like the world to be fair. If you are kind towards others you should be rewarded for that, but it is usually the other way round.

Love should be unconditional. It never completely is. This is due to the animalistic way of the world we live in.

I know the terminology could probably have been quite a lot better.