I am visiting my bf's family in a different city in two weeks, but will be staying with another family that I am close with in the same area. I am planning on giving thank you/ host gifts to both families. I am not sure what is appropriate. I have heard of food (either fruit basket or homemade bread or what not), candles, decorations, wine. My bf's family is difficult. I do not know them and I want to make a good impression. I have a good chance of getting along with the dad as he like nerdy stuff and logical thinking, the mom is a different story and the driving force of the family. She likes name brands (coach), bling-y shoes, sports teams, and so called reality tv that has to do with weddings and is emotional and judgmental according to her children. And they do not drink so a nice bottle of wine is not a good idea.
I did not even know that giving such a gift was the socially appropriate activity until I was talking about my trip with my co-workers. I am having a difficult enough time trying to figure out how to woo the mom and not give away that I have autism (as she is prejudiced against AS because of her brother-in-law even though her son, my bf has AS). I already have trouble figuring out gifts in general on birthdays and Christmas, now I am supposed to choose different gifts. I have heard that it is supposed to be impersonal but nice, but I do not know what that means.
Any help navigating this odd social situation is appreciated.
__ /(. . )