Anybody on the autism spectrum out there have brain imaging done? I would be absolutely fascinated to see how my Aspie brain compares with an NT brain. I know it's done, it's mentioned in the clinical literature. If you have had brain imaging done and your brain compared by a neurologist with an NT brain, did you have it done in Canada or the States? If the States, what the price tag for this procedure? If Canada, was the imaging covered by medicare? If Canada, where (I write from Toronto) and who or what institution did the scan? I ask in part because if it was covered here in Canada or if the asking price was not too exorbitant, I would be very interested in having my brain scanned. Thank you for your input.
Diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome by Dr. Joel Jeffries of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. No intellectual or language impairment.