feathermarshal wrote:
So, I got a feedback session yesterday with my therapist about the tests that I've been taking for the last few months to diagnose if I have Asperger's or not. I learned two interesting things.
The first one is that A.S. is being removed from the DSM-V, specifically being merged into the autism spectrum. I'll post about this in the news section.
The second is that I don't have A.S.
The gist of what she said is that while I have symptoms as an adult, I never showed symptoms as a child.
So, I've tried looking it up, but I can't seem to find any instances of this happening with other people.
Ask your therapist if she is aware of the AS subtypes, as these two subtypes could mean your childhood traits were missed (ref Lorna Wing):
"Few, if any clues to the underlying subtle handicap upon first meeting. The features of AS are particularly frequent. Early histories vary. Normal range of ability with some peaks of performance. Polite and conventional. Manage well at work. Sometimes pompous and long-winded style of speech. Problems arise in family relationships, where spontaneity and empathy are required. Poor judgement as to the relative importance of different demands on their time. Characteristically pursue interests to the exclusion of everything and everyone else. May have temper tantrums or aggression if routine broken at home, but are polite at work.
Diagnosis very often missed. Most attend mainstream schools. Independence achieved in most cases. This group shades into the eccentric end of normality."
"Often amiable, gentle, and easily led. Those passive rather than aloof from infancy may fit AS. More likely than the aloof to have had a mainstream education, and their psych skill profiles are less uneven. Social approaches passively accepted (little response or show of feelings). Characteristic autistic egocentricity less obvious in this group than in others. Activities are limited and repetitive, but less so than other autistics. Can react with unexpected anger or distress.
Recognition of their autism depends more on observing the absence of the social and creative aspects of normal development than the presence of positive abnormalities. The general amenability is an advantage in work, and they are reliable, but sometimes their passivity and naivete can cause great problems. If undiagnosed, parents and teachers may be disappointed they cannot keep a job at the level predicted from their schoolwork."
*Truth fears no trial*
DX AS & both daughters on the autistic spectrum
Last edited by whirlingmind on 09 Feb 2013, 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.