Prisoner Zero- the BS statement is not specific to what you're refering to? if you're commenting on why i said not to take self-diagnosis for granted, what i mean by that is that psychologists dont even know what their doing. of course people know more about themselves than the doctor, but i think most diagnosises are a matter of opinion. so yes you can diagnosis youreself in a way, however there are other factors most people dont look for towards other causes of symptoms. for example it can be obvious to your self that you have aspergers symptoms, but it takes more than having the symptoms to know what causes them. ive had several things ruled out to get formal diagnosis such as copper poisoning test, karyotype tests, eegs, and cat scans. you cant do those things on your own. for me the copper poisoning test, and karyotype tests came out normal, while the eeg was slightly abnormal, and the cat scan was normal other than an arachnoid cyst which may or may not be causing me symptoms. seeing similar symptoms in family members of mine suggests that its probablly genetic which is what my doctors agree with. im not saying self diagnosed people dont have aspergers or something else for that matter. Im just stating that its difficult to actually be so certain of something without official testing. Some people diagnosis themselves with online tests such as the well known personality disorder test, and aspie quiz, which are nothing like what psychologists use. Ive been to about 20 psychologists and have had excessive testing since I was 4 or 5. This perticular test is an actual psychological test that is used that was created by dr.hare. So in a way its valid, however scoring yourself doesnt concider what other people notice about you that you dont see in yourself. Some people, but not all, do lots of things that they dont notice and over exagerate what they are doing. Psychology is only a matter of theories and opinions that label people when in reality everyone is simply themselves. As for myself I know i have a hodgepog of "symptoms" that dont really add up to anything in perticular, and psychologists have always debated what to label me with although theyve all agreed I have some kind of autistic spectrum disorder with some other stuff mixed in. I dont even care what they want to label me with anymore because Ive come to the conclusion that im just me and 90% of what doctors like to call symptoms dont even bother me and are probablly just how I am, because everyones mental state is simply a mix of genetic and enviromental factors. If this wasnt so then we would all be the same, which would be a boring world indeed. Also a world without a neurodiverse selection of autistics, schizophrenics, psychopaths, ret*ds, epileptics, insominiacs, mulitple personalities, dyslexics, williams syndromers, normies, and every other kind of differance you can imagine would be more dysfunctional than ever because what would the world be without thinking differant.