Well, after a convo on the chatroom with Tea and kabin, we decided to form our own nation, Aspergia. Only People with AS (free examination upon application to enter the country) would be allowed to enter (AS, Autism, HFA etc....). (and their families/gf/bf etc, obviously)
The Asperigan government constitutes 3 sections. The Council of 12, 12 permenenant officials in place, chosen by the public and the founding members of Asperiga during their lifetimes. The Senate, a series of elected officials, chosen by the people democraticly. The senate may override any decision by the council, except the demand of the council to hold an election. The Public house. All laws pass through the public house, where any member of the public may enter and vote on a law, simply by entering their citizen ID and then voting. This allows for all laws to be fairly chosen by anyone avalible.
Leader/Ruler: BlackLiger, President General
Military Leader: Assassin, General
Minister for Buisness: DrinkingTea
Minister for the Aspienet*: Kabin
Minister for the News: Ghosthunter
Minister for Music: Joint between Tafkash and Malcom Scorpio
Thats all so far....
We, the people of Asperergia, hereby declare ourselves a nation free of prejudice against colour, religion, creed, gender, race and mental state. While Only aspies and relations may enter, any not of that status born here will be allowed to remain. We will avoid wars, and will provide the best for our citizens.
Murder: Anyone found guilty of murder, if proven far beyond reasonable doubt, will be executed. If there is any reasonable doubt, but the verdict is still guilty, the accused will be imprisoned.
Manslaughter: Anyone found guilty beyond a doubt of Manslaughter will be deported to an NT country of their choice. They will be barred from re-entry. Anyone where there is still a reasonable doubt will be deported, but they may re-enter IF they can prove their innocence.
Assault/Rape: Treated like murder.
Theft: Theft will not be tollerated, as Asperiga has a comucapitalist society. Everyone gets exactly the same provided by the government and has to earn anything else. Anyone caught stealing to better their lot will be deported.
Exports and Imports
Ideas/Designs - Well, you expect an AS society to be dumb?
Anything we find people obessed with building
The Internet 2.0
Imports - Probably food, at first. Other resources till we master atom manipulation and Cold Fusion (about 6 months)
Economic system - Comucapitalism
Everyone starts equal. The government will provide housing and employment, althogh you may set up your own company if you wish... Food is communally sorted. Anything else is luxury and is earned. All money goes into the communal pot, but any money you earn for the society is noted as being provided towards your luxuries.
Any questions?
The above is intended humerously. Although it would make a good system of government....
"Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?"