whirlingmind wrote:
Before I had my clinical diagnosis by a psychologist, I had a non-clinical assessment with an AS expert. I was so stressed about it leading up to it, that I was sending her all these emails and in the end she emailed me that not to worry, that she had AS herself, and if I had it she would find it. That just banished all my worries instantly, and gave me a sense of calm. She did find that I had it too, and it was a feeling of utter trust in her when I knew she had it. I knew that she would understand my thought processes and be coming at it from a total level of understanding. It did make a difference. Her son and partner also have AS, and she had degrees in Asperger's and autism as well as being a published author on the subject who has been recommended by Tony Attwood.
It was frustrating that legally this couldn't be recognised as a diagnosis though, in a way it was more of a formality when I got my clinical diagnosis. It was like a rubber stamping, but it was really necessary to allow it to be recognised legally as a disability and be on my health records.
- to get your reply straight away ... that is amazing ! I had a hunch that Ladyhawke wouldn't be the only one who had a specialist that had it herself - and to hear your story .. thanks so much for writing back .... I really understand what you mean about being stressed before your assessment .. I was in a state of panic for months - I'd self diagnosed, but I hadn't a clue whether anyone else would spot it.
The fact that you knew someone could understand how you think must of been such a relief...
Having said that, my assessor did strike me as a really thorough person, and some of the things she said did make me wonder if she was on the spectrum too..!