We are "entitled", have a negative attitude?
Have you been judged like this? Maybe when seeking disability benefits?
WTH, right?
Some people are born with the right genes, brains, personalities - they are just naturally relaxed, happy, extroverted, and... successful.
Others of us are born with the opposite, and get the opposite result - NOT successful.
"Attitude" didn't come first - it didn't create all of the above - how could it??? Attitude comes after. If you're LUCKY enough to be born into the first group of people, then OF COURSE you're gonna have a positive attitude - why wouldn't you?
This is all LUCK, isn't it? Or the lack thereof?
And "entitled"???? I don't even know where to begin! (Someone help me out here??)
I'm so bewildered and angry... can anyone else relate to anything in this post? Please chime in - I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thank you.
Last edited by ThomasL on 27 Feb 2013, 11:06 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Yeah, it's total BS. Attitude is a by-product of your circumstance and the genetic card hand that you're dealt.
Of course, if you try to argue that with your average NT, you'll probably just get accused of "over-analyzing" things.
Perhaps the "entitled" perception comes from stereotypes that (young) people with Aspergers come from middle-to-upper class families (which is demographically true) and that they've been pampered to the point of being rude or not reciprocating certain unspoken gestures and what not. Fact is, they don't recognize or can't define these things, so they can't adequately respond to them (as you and I know very well!!)
Maybe you should question the attitude of the social worker who is making the disability claim difficult. Surely these people are trained, in this day and age, to recognize autistic spectrum conditions and the debilitating effect it can have on employment prospects.

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Unless one is a hermit living out in the middle of nowhere entirely off the land, I say people are entitled to the means to survive as well as enjoyment of life. What is the point of even having a society or community, if not to ensure it's members are taken care of and allowed some enjoyment in life if that's not more or less the purpose maybe it should be called a free for all rather than a society. Maybe that's a terrible, evil entitled view point...but I don't really care.
I've volunteered, would like to again but I sort of need that disability money to afford the bus fair before I can volunteer somewhere and obligate myself to show up...I don't have anyone to give me rides consistantly and I would not be a safe driver in traffic so the bus and walking are my only options and there aren't really places to volunteer within walking distance....even the animal shelter is pretty far and I'd have to walk next to the highway to get there unless there is some other route realistically though it's like a 5 mile walk or longer up hill.
Some people are just ignorant about the sorts of issues that can come up when you have certain mental conditions, I mean I essentially cannot drive because of anxiety, I don't typically get hired when I apply for jobs even after interveiws because the autism makes me come off a bit as a bit 'odd' like not making eye contact and stuff that is weird to people not to mention the anxiety makes me come off as pretty nervous most likely which doesn't help me come off as a 'confident, fast paced career oriented....ect' person that they want for the job. Sometimes i think it would be easier if I could simply fake it but no such luck.
I don't know if a disability worker told you that I'd say file a complaint about them, I am pretty sure they are allowed to tell you if you are unlikely to get on disability based on the conditions you have or if you need more medical records or whatever but that does not extend to judging your character and attitude to try and discourage you. Or maybe if you didn't end up applying you could attempt again and maybe get someone else to file the application or whatever...not sure if the process in your state includes talking to a social worker type person who helps fill out the application and submits it but yeah if it does and they are the one who said that I think it would be reasonable to file a complaint.
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I've volunteered, would like to again but I sort of need that disability money to afford the bus fair before I can volunteer somewhere and obligate myself to show up...I don't have anyone to give me rides consistantly and I would not be a safe driver in traffic so the bus and walking are my only options and there aren't really places to volunteer within walking distance....even the animal shelter is pretty far and I'd have to walk next to the highway to get there unless there is some other route realistically though it's like a 5 mile walk or longer up hill.
Some people are just ignorant about the sorts of issues that can come up when you have certain mental conditions, I mean I essentially cannot drive because of anxiety, I don't typically get hired when I apply for jobs even after interveiws because the autism makes me come off a bit as a bit 'odd' like not making eye contact and stuff that is weird to people not to mention the anxiety makes me come off as pretty nervous most likely which doesn't help me come off as a 'confident, fast paced career oriented....ect' person that they want for the job. Sometimes i think it would be easier if I could simply fake it but no such luck.
I don't know if a disability worker told you that I'd say file a complaint about them, I am pretty sure they are allowed to tell you if you are unlikely to get on disability based on the conditions you have or if you need more medical records or whatever but that does not extend to judging your character and attitude to try and discourage you. Or maybe if you didn't end up applying you could attempt again and maybe get someone else to file the application or whatever...not sure if the process in your state includes talking to a social worker type person who helps fill out the application and submits it but yeah if it does and they are the one who said that I think it would be reasonable to file a complaint.
Evil socialist. I bet you have an obamaphone too!

I agree, OP, definitely complain.
The world is a awful place and anyone in denial of that is a moron.
Just the same if you got any form of autism, your likely to live a life full of misery.
So if acknowledging that causes people to label you, they're morons.
That being said, acknowledging bad things and using them as an excuse to feel bad is completely different.
Anyways seeking out disability isn't a great thing to do. For one reason any time you use these services someone else that may need em will get denied.
And more importantly the financial structures that support these services are crumbling.

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Just the same if you got any form of autism, your likely to live a life full of misery.
So if acknowledging that causes people to label you, they're morons.
That being said, acknowledging bad things and using them as an excuse to feel bad is completely different.
Anyways seeking out disability isn't a great thing to do. For one reason any time you use these services someone else that may need em will get denied.
And more importantly the financial structures that support these services are crumbling.
If something makes someone feel bad, I would think that is the reason they feel bad...not so much an excuse to feel bad. I mean how is one supposed to feel good about bad things without being in some sort of denial? Also the people applying for disability typically do need it so what do you mean by every time someone uses those services someone else that may `need them will get denied? Many people need the services, many people who need them are denied by the system not the other people applying except the usually exaggerated number of people who might be trying to cheat the system, though I imagine disability wouldn't be the only system those sorts of people are cheating.
We won't go back.
If something makes someone feel bad, I would think that is the reason they feel bad...not so much an excuse to feel bad. I mean how is one supposed to feel good about bad things without being in some sort of denial? Also the people applying for disability typically do need it so what do you mean by every time someone uses those services someone else that may `need them will get denied? Many people need the services, many people who need them are denied by the system not the other people applying except the usually exaggerated number of people who might be trying to cheat the system, though I imagine disability wouldn't be the only system those sorts of people are cheating.
My point is because bad things exist that does not mean you should simply feel bad.
This is my point far too many people assume this to be true.
There are tons of people that need some form of disability ,
But the facts are that not everyone will get it. so yes it literally does mean, that if you take part of the budget it will not be there for someone else.
I've seen this first hand, where governments divert funds into adult autism groups at the expense of early interventions for enfants.
The governments of the world can't and won't cover everything.

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My point is because bad things exist that does not mean you should simply feel bad.
This is my point far too many people assume this to be true.
There are tons of people that need some form of disability ,
But the facts are that not everyone will get it. so yes it literally does mean, that if you take part of the budget it will not be there for someone else.
I've seen this first hand, where governments divert funds into adult autism groups at the expense of early interventions for enfants.
The governments of the world can't and won't cover everything.
Hmm, I would agree that one should not feel bad simply because bad things exist....after all there is no way to go through life with only good things.
Also, I suppose in a technical sense it is true if you get benefits someone else may not be getting them who needs them...however I am not so sure the point are people who need it not supposed to apply out of guilt that someone else may be denied if they apply for and accept benefits.
Of course the government and world cannot cover 'everything', but the government cannot very well do away with the social safety network because not only does over-spending (which I don't think the social safety network is where most of the tax revenue goes) contribute to financial collapse but leaving the poor and disabled to fend for themselves with no help in a society they cannot very well get by in on their own will just create a whole class of very desperate people who aren't even having basic needs met which will result in lack of impulse control, increased crime....If someones starving and cold damn right they are going to go into survival mood and fight for some scraps of some sort if there is no help avialible in the society they live in.
I certainly think maybe more efforts should be put into helping people become more self sufficient where possible....but it seems disabled people especially with mental conditions rather than a physical disability are expected to somehow just up and succeed in a society that is unkind towards differences and disablities that prevent you from working as 'hard' or whatever peoples issue is with the disabled....maybe efforts should be made to end this trend and start maybe educating the public, reducing stigma and supporting disabled people in improving their lives.........rather than throwing stigma at them, accusing them of simply not trying hard enough or collectively referring to them as a burden. It would be a good thing if not so many people needed disabiilty, but I think a lot of things would have to change for that to happen.
We won't go back.
But aren't people entitled to disability benefits if they need it? Has "entitled" become an insult now?
I am entitled to have kids, I am entitled to having a job, I am entitled to entertainment and fun, I am entitled to marriage. We're all entitled to our opinions and to how we live our lives and what we buy.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.

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I am entitled to have kids, I am entitled to having a job, I am entitled to entertainment and fun, I am entitled to marriage. We're all entitled to our opinions and to how we live our lives and what we buy.
And help when needed if you live in a society with a social safety network if not it probably needs one....but no we can't have people wanting things that would be good for them, help them or make them happy and taking steps to get those things, then they might realize they don't have to feel like sh*t about themselves for having wants and needs

We won't go back.
If something makes someone feel bad, I would think that is the reason they feel bad...not so much an excuse to feel bad. I mean how is one supposed to feel good about bad things without being in some sort of denial? Also the people applying for disability typically do need it so what do you mean by every time someone uses those services someone else that may `need them will get denied? Many people need the services, many people who need them are denied by the system not the other people applying except the usually exaggerated number of people who might be trying to cheat the system, though I imagine disability wouldn't be the only system those sorts of people are cheating.
My point is because bad things exist that does not mean you should simply feel bad.
What one "feels" isn't necessarily a choice. Plus if you have clinical depression it's possible to "feel bad" about "bad things" in greater proportion than what an outsider would consider "reasonable", yet it's still not a choice.
What someone "should" feel is a normative judgement. It is not "true" or "false", it's your personal opinion.
I've seen this first hand, where governments divert funds into adult autism groups at the expense of early interventions for enfants.
The governments of the world can't and won't cover everything.
That's true, but if government bureaucracy fails to help people maybe our society should rethink our obligations to others.
True to some extent - but I also believe the converse is also true (that is, attitude can come first). Sure, changing your attitude doesn't change your basic personality and traits much and it might not be easy to think this way, but it could make people treat you better and want to be around you more. Even if they don't, it takes time and patience and part of the 'attitude' also means accepting whatever happens, whether good or bad to you. This in turn reinforces your positive attitude. Conversely, having a negative attitude could drive people away from you and hence has the reverse effect, possibly creating a vicious cycle where you just keep feeling worse.
Even people in the 'first group' have problems of their own - the key is to make the most of what you have.
A smile costs nothing

I am entitled to have kids, I am entitled to having a job, I am entitled to entertainment and fun, I am entitled to marriage. We're all entitled to our opinions and to how we live our lives and what we buy.
You're absolutely right. But when people use the word 'entitled' in this context the implication is that whatever they are 'entitled' to is undeserved in some way. So most people on disability benefits are indeed entitled but not undeservedly. What is 'undeserved' can be a matter of debate though.
A smile costs nothing

I am entitled to have kids, I am entitled to having a job, I am entitled to entertainment and fun, I am entitled to marriage. We're all entitled to our opinions and to how we live our lives and what we buy.
You're absolutely right. But when people use the word 'entitled' in this context the implication is that whatever they are 'entitled' to is undeserved in some way. So most people on disability benefits are indeed entitled but not undeservedly. What is 'undeserved' can be a matter of debate though.
When I use the word "entitled" with a negative connotation I'm talking about people who believe they are inherently more deserving than others. It relates to being selfish or unaware of others or how the world works. It could be the result of being naive, privileged, or just plain narcissistic. It's kind of disturbing how these days the word is sometimes used in ignorance or as a vapid put down, without taking the time to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. Yea, there exists a lot of spoiled clueless people in the world, but there also exists people who are just misunderstood and the people who refuse to open their eyes to that also fit the description of spoiled and clueless.
WTH, right?
Some people are born with the right genes, brains, personalities - they are just naturally relaxed, happy, extroverted, and... successful.
Others of us are born with the opposite, and get the opposite result - NOT successful.
"Attitude" didn't come first - it didn't create all of the above - how could it??? Attitude comes after. If you're LUCKY enough to be born into the first group of people, then OF COURSE you're gonna have a positive attitude - why wouldn't you?
This is all LUCK, isn't it? Or the lack thereof?
And "entitled"???? I don't even know where to begin! (Someone help me out here??)
I'm so bewildered and angry... can anyone else relate to anything in this post? Please chime in - I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thank you.
True success comes from overcoming the many hardships you face. Do you really view these people as being THat successful, have they really earned the right to be called that, what have they actually done? If people are not born the same how can you determine who is actually "better." people have made much more of their lives from a lot less. If they are happy with their lifes then good for them, after all, some people deserve to be.
Everyone can think of themselves as lucky or unlucky but it's just a matter of opinion. I am lucky that I am different and not the same as everyone else regardless of what they think and besides, they don't know how life works. To me this makes sense and I need to keep this frame of mind if I want to be successful.
Just a few of my thoughts

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