I've heard quite a few of these, and like the rhetorical questions that they are, I refuse to dignify them with a response...or I answer them back with another rhetorical question.
They don't seem to come so much from bullies per se, as they do from unenlightened people who make assumptions about us, are exasperated with us in some way, and refuse to learn about how our condition affects us.
1) Why do you insist on making simple things complicated??
2) How dumb/stupid are you??
3) What did I just tell you?
4) Why can't you just be <blank> like everyone else??
5) Why do I have to explain things to you, why can't you just read between the lines?
6) How is it that you're so smart, but you can't <insert desired action>??
7) How long have you been working here??
Why do you have to over-analyze and not just go with the obvious??
I had no idea those were rhetorical questions. I have been asked few of those things as well.