JellyCat wrote:
Tyri0n wrote:
Well the brain is always plastic, right? So wouldn't it change slowly over time, particularly in the case of a 26-year-old autistic male who is at least several years behind developmentally and was doing other things to help it along?
I'm wondering if M-F transsexuals improve their communication skills as a byproduct of conversion therapy.
The wiring of the brain would not change over time. It can only change if you have a stroke/surgery.
If you're behind on your development, it could make a tiny, probably not even noticeable difference to the way your brain develops from here on after, but taking hormones really isn't recommended. You'll experience many physical problems, become much more emotional (because of the chemical changes in your brain), and to be honest, I think you'll have a harder time socialising with others if you look as feminine as these hormones would make you look (people are generally a lot nice to people they think look good).
Well becoming more emotional would not be a terrible thing for someone who is often knocked for having flat affect, is it? That alone might be a reason to take them.
Would small amounts change appearance in a significant way, even if I made sure to keep a low body fat level and only took small amounts?
Becoming more emotional will not make it easier for an autistic person to express themselves. They'll just have more that they are unable to express.
Small amounts would not make a significant difference to your physical appearance (though there would still be some difference), but small amounts of female hormones, in my opinion, aren't even worth taking to make yourself 'less autistic'. There would (probably) be no noticeable difference to your brain.