When I was young I was terrible at keeping myself organized with anything at home (chores, responsibilities) except if it pertained to school. I hated the way my mother was OCD about keeping the house so clean, as I wished I could be messy and relaxed and not get her so mad all the time when I messed her things up. Although I did line some things up, they were just some odd things here and there. However, as I grew up I still had trouble managing my time and responsibilities, but in my late 20's when I realized I had to really buckle down to get my life together, I made it a priority to learn how to be on time to things, to take better care of myself, to not live in chaos. Working in offices helped me learn various systems as to how others kept things organized--I absorbed knowledge of these systems and became a super organizer! So now I'm at the opposite end of the extreme from where I began. I realize how much work it takes to stay organized that I really get bent out of shape if my organization is messed up, because then it's back to chaos. Especially because I tend to collect so much stuff, it can really get out of hand. When my husband starts taking CD's off the shelf and doesn't put them back in the right slot, I go berserk on him. I've learned to let some things go for sake of sanity with three kids, but it's a constant daily challenge. When I lived alone I didn't need to have to be as organized because nobody was around to mess up my mess.