SaveFerris wrote:
SplendidSnail wrote:
I just have noticed that I struggle a bit less when the things I mentioned are the case.
When I wear sunglasses is the only thing that makes things easier ( I'd wear them all the time if I could but I think that would just attract more attention ).
My aunt took up Niqab and mentioned the ease of communication for her, when she wears it, because she doesn’t have to worry about her facial expressions. Of course it must be really tough if it garners angry attention.
I do think she has Asperger’s
Edited to add- I mention this in case PART of the trouble with eye contact is our own worries about how we will be received (facial expressions, holding gaze too long or not enough) which make it hard to concentrate on the speaker’s words then (because we are worried)
So what I mean is my aunt inadvertently ‘eliminated’ the perception aspect—
and found she communicated better. Might be a contributing factor anyway.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill