Sethno wrote:
Once, a long time ago, a therapist gave me a word association test. You're supposed to give him a word back for every one he says to you. Whatever word his word made you think of.
I got no words. I kept getting mental images. I told him each time the picture that'd popped up in my mind, and after a few he said "But you're supposed to give me words."
"I'm not getting any," I said. "I'm just getting mental pictures." (For example, he said "white", and I got a picture of a snow-capped mountain surrounded by a snow covered landscape.)
He gave up on the word association test.
More recently, for other reasons, he asked if I'd ever had an autism evaluation. When told I'd suspected autism for a long time, and reminded of the word association test, he strongly suggested I have an evaluation.
I actually remember my psychiatrist doing the same thing with me when I was a teenager. I found it hard to think of words, mostly only saw pictures.