I've yet to be officially diagnosed, but when I imagine a psychologist telling me I'm not autistic, it just doesn't seem to fit. I've always been too different in too many ways to classify as neurotypical, so aspie or not, there's definitely something different about me. I've studied abnormal psychology for a while now and this is by far the diagnosis that comes closest to matching my symptoms, and I've looked at introversion, shyness and high sensitivity before now; none of them fit as well as autism does. That being said though, I think I'm pretty mild, about the equivalent of Dr. Reid I would say, in terms of social skills. I can function fairly well most of the time, but set me off on a special interest and I'm gone, and I don't have the benefit of Hotch to tell me to stop!
"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
Diagnosed with ASD level 1 on the 10th of April, 2014
Rediagnosed with ASD level 2 on the 4th of May, 2019
Thanks to Olympiadis for my fantastic avatar!