Yes. They do. Which is one of the many reasons dating, to me, is NOT FUN at ALL.
As much trouble as I've ever had figuring out ANYONE's intentions, and as much trouble I've ever had figuring out if someone 'liked' me to begin with, trying to read someone you're dating is virtually impossible, by my standards. It seems people (and by people, I mean NT's) get scared when they begin liking you too much, and start playing this retreating game. One day they're very obviously interested, and the next....well, I've had people stop calling me for days, get way less affectionate, and even start getting too friendly with other women. And of course, at that point, I cut them off. At first, I'd cut them off cos I figured I'd done something wrong to push them away (since I apparently do this a lot), but even after I learned that some of these individuals were still very interested, and this is just the nature of 'the game', I KEPT cutting them off for such behaviour, because I can't stand mind games. I'm very straightforward, and if someone I'm interested in ISN'T, I lose interest really fast.
Aspies do these things, too, but I think when we do, it's for different reasons. Back when I was way less socially adept, I was known for running away from people I was too interested in before they had any clue I even liked them. Don't know what I was so scared of, but I was, and while part of me wanted to be with them in a BIG way, another part didn't ever want to see them again. The few Aspies I've dated have been the same, especially the one I'm with now....who despite the fact, or perhaps BECAUSE we were friends before, was beyond terrified to make a move at first, and dragged out over a few months what could easily have been done in a day. Maybe someone else could have seen why he was acting as he was, but on this one I was completely mystified, and actually assumed he was just massively stressed out over something else that was going on, and was acting weird as a result.
The way I handle things these days is apparently extremely off-putting to NT's, and scary to a lot of Aspies....because I can't flirt, I just say it outright....for instance, when I realised what my current boyfriend was on about, I told him, 'if I'd known, I would've just thrown you down and started making out with you on the spot'....the very IDEA of which sent him into a panic attack!
In the same vein (and to end this mini-novel I'm writing), to the person who puts people off talking about his dino and political fixations.....don't play it down. People aren't honest in dating, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be. You are who you are, and they need to know it. If they don't like your interests, you're not meant to be a couple, and better they should find out sooner than later. It's not you, and it's not just don't click, and you probably wouldn't even if you didn't have Aspergers. They just wouldn't realise right away.