zeldapsychology wrote:
Hi. I have a WP friend I've known since I STARTED WP! MadDuck. We've chatted about videogames for years and we still chat to this day. He has a fiancé and is getting married this year YA! He texts me etc. Well my family is like "Isn't he busy with his girlfriend" so this got me to thinking.
Is it NT logic to NOT have this man as a friend if I am single and he has a fiancé getting married? His relationship isn't an issue he's a nice guy and we chat about Mario and the latest gaming news. I see no issue with it but is my logic flawed? What is the issue here? If the fiance had an issue I understand but she doesn't and is a nice chick. I hope to continue talking for many more years married or not!
There's nothing relationship wise we are just good friends. If I ever have a boyfriend IMO the friendship wouldn't change. ( I don't though). But is it "normal" to NOT have guy friends if you're single and they are getting married?
I understand him being real busy in his life (compared to before in the past we were up until 1AM chatting.) Not anymore but I understand life changes.
Thanks for helping me understand.
It would be healthiest for you both to continue being friends the way you have bee =)
His fiance is nice which is good, and understands he has his own friends and space. If she were the jealous type and you got involved with your friend that could start problems.
Think of it this way; if you were a guy would you still think about the logic of staying of friends with him or not since he's getting married?
Of course you would stay friends with him.
Folks get into relationships knowing their partners have other friends and its very accepted.