I love people with Aspergers with the exception of Humility

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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02 Apr 2013, 9:14 pm

Sometimes there are people to ignorant to understand the nature of our disability, they are prone to making some of the harshest generalizations that are never based in fact. They say were eccentric, extroverted, have horrid body langauge, cant keep still for extended periods of time. Firstly the majority of that we happen to grow out of after our childhood so those generalizations and assesments are false. Additionally everbodies an individual so you cant say this is the lifes story of all of us.

However one stereotype I have to agree with and seems to ring true for me. For all the false stereotypes one proves to be reinforced, there is definitely humility issues with our people and it makes me feel inadequate that I have the disability.

First I watch the Social Network and Accidental Billion Airs only to see that the way Zuckerberg is portrayed is as a vindictive, callous, coward who knew how to manipulate the people around him to serve his own self-absorbed agenda. One question I ask is how could he have been in a committed relationship with someone like Erica Albright considering how nefarious he is. I've heard similar stories about Gates. Gore doesnt help knowing that he tries to take a stance on his environmentialist agenda after selling his company to Al Jazera which emodies everything he should have stood against.

The worst thing an Aspie can do is that after years of facing ableist people is to become one themselves which is the biggest problem with our community is that once they climb the ladder to the top of society they pull it out from under us so we cant get to the same position they are. I have first hand seen people formerly discriminated by others now suddenly become the antagonist they've been fighting for years against for so long. One of our communities biggest issues is that they dont make that connection. Once were done facing our own issues and have that resolved we become just as antagonistic to others as larger society not learning to be more empathetic based on our own experiences.

Additionally I've seen recurring problems, a kid I knew in High School used to label me as overbearing, he had Aspegers himself and happened to fit the same description he gave me. So when he called me brash and overbearing he was throwing stones at glass houses. He used to tell my one-to-one aid to keep me in line, even though he occasionally hate fits of rage, he threatened an administrator for attempting to ban him from a New York City trip but the teacher had such a bias for him that the threat was ignored. It irritated me that this kid who spent years being scrutinized and bullied by others would somehow have the gull to attack and condescend to me and point out my deficits. Instead of empathizing with me because he faced similar adversity he became the very bully he was facing in Public School.

Another story this kid happened to defriend me on facebook. He claimed to be a nice guy that tries to keep himself in line but without explanation he defriended me, I have trouble sympathizing with a kid like this. He wrote an online essay about never giving up and always putting your best foot forward when it comes to being accepted with Aspergers. The majority of the online commenters on his essay said he had courage and was noble for doing such a thing. Thing is when I read the essay I noticed that he did some calluous things to he used to physically abuse anyone who taunted him meeting them at recess when class was out every day of the week. He would also have fits of rage far more severe than anything I did.


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02 Apr 2013, 10:37 pm

Humility is a good thing. It is being humble. If you lack this, its likely one could possible think one perceives theirself better than others, thus alienating potential friends and allies, and also reinforcing bad stereotypes.

Are you saying that other people with Aspergers make you feel inadequate that you have Aspergers?

My answer to you would be you got issues to begin with. Why judge others on the spectrum with you? Everyone is different. If you are one of the people who are looking for a group that will accept them, then do not judge others or say that what you may consider downfalls cause you to feel inadequate? Why would others behavior matter to you?

A person without any humility would be a sociopath or at least severely depraved.

Zuckerberg is a sociopath who is in it for himself and loads of money.

Al Jezera is not a bad company, you are misinformed, they just want the truth to be available to everyone in the world.
Regarding everything and anything.

Wow i don't know why i bothered to reply to this post, i hope it falls down a few pages...


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03 Apr 2013, 1:09 am

Just like the people you're talking about in your post you are pointing out their insecurities or things you find wrong with them. People that are insecure themselves tend to do this. Frankly, this post serves no purpose. Of course some aspies can differ from you, if we where all the same that would be really boring. Truth is, you don't know the whole story for any of these people. For all you know they could've had reasons why they feel that way. It's not your place to change them and I doubt you would want this done to you. None of us are perfect, get over it.

I really enjoyed the spacing you put between your paragraphs, thank you for that.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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03 Apr 2013, 11:27 am

Okay okay Chloe and Tsproggy I need to clarify what this post was about. My sentence structure was so poor that I didn't get across what I intended, I'm not inadequate for having the disability I'm inadequate that I haven't bonded with many aspies and many of them I've seen from my experiences have humility issues, of course I cant take one experience and apply it to others I'm sorry for generalizing. Please forgive me for any transgressions from the previous post this will clarify things. I apologize for any miscommunication, I feel that I didn't get myself across correctly and for that I apologize. That I didn't get the post across as I intended is my fault and I'm hoping that this reply should calm things down. My purpose of the earlier thread in question if the sentence structure didn't come out correctly was that some of these people I met on the spectrum had humility issues which is from my experience. My idiot move was that I took a firsthand experience and generalized a whole community. I'm sorry for taking sheltered experiences and painting the entire group that way, that was not my intent.

If anyone wants to know why I came off with such blanket generalizations about the community was because one aspie from highschool who used to condescend to me about putting me in my place and keeping me in line, and would make it routine to do this to me. He used to lecture my one to one aid about doing his job and keeping me in check. I felt it was hypocritical because he was bullied when younger that he should've been more empathetic, but no when he achieved popularity he became just as antagonistic as any other bully. That kid made me paranoid that much of the community would be like him Zuckerberg and Gates inflated egos didn't help. This is what made me feel so inadequate but my issue is that I didn't get to know the entire community and for that I apologize.


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03 Apr 2013, 12:55 pm

Sounds like you found a bad egg. Being bullied doesn't always make someone more humbled, sometimes they just get pissed off and resent the world. I'm sorry that happened to you, there are a lot of people around here the exact opposite of your "friend".

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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03 Apr 2013, 1:01 pm

Tsproggy wrote:
Sounds like you found a bad egg. Being bullied doesn't always make someone more humbled, sometimes they just get pissed off and resent the world. I'm sorry that happened to you, there are a lot of people around here the exact opposite of your "friend".

He wasn't a friend I made some "efforts" to try to get on his good side because I thought hey were both autistic that must make us compatible in some fashion. Though he made deliberate attempts to exclude me from the rest of the class and used his influence to get others to be alienated by me as well. He would condescend to me about how I needed to be put in my place and lectured my one to one aid, of course he was doing things that were beyond his jurisdiction but the teacher enabled it to happen. I thought he was a hypocrite because before he achieved all this prestige and influence in the class he was scrutinized for being different. So now that he achieves popularity he's not empathetic to others with his disability but he becomes the very bully he spent years fighting against.