So, until today, I'd never realized exactly how easy it is for me to become caught in routine. I mean, I know that I get upset if I can't do something I'm used to doing--shopping on the same day, taking a familiar route, having notice before having visitors, coffee in the morning, things like that. But today was the first time that I realized that, even when actively setting out to NOT follow a routine, I still wound up doing it.
When I go shopping, I usually shop just a few days in the month, and each one of those days, I buy a TON so that I don't have to go again. So, my routine is, on certain days of the month, to go in and buy EVERYTHING that I need. But, this month, I wasn't able to go on the first day that I'm used to. (Our car is broken.) So, I had to get a ride from my husband's grandmother, and my husband and daughter waited in the car, because they were napping. I fully intended to just run in, grab food for a couple of days, and run out. But, before I knew it, I found myself following the aisles like I always do, picking up everything that I always do, and just trying to run and do it FASTER, since I knew I had to hurry. I left, having shopped like I always do, even though I hadn't wanted to do that, and I had people waiting for me in the car, and I was incredibly mortified. Still am. I took an hour! and only meant to run in and out. I feel so flabbergasted, because what I did didn't even make sense--our car should be fixed tomorrow, and I could have easily done my "regular" big shopping trip then. I didn't have to do it this way, and didn't mean to. This is the first time I've ever realized that I was caught in a routine even when it was counterproductive. And, I'm sure that I've done it before, but am only realizing it now that I've found out about AS.
I guess I don't know what to do. Am I the only one who ends up caught like this? Is there anything that helps to not do this? I don't mind having my routines normally, as it helps me be a calmer, more level-headed person. But, when it is counterproductive, and there are other people counting on me to do things differently, I just can't do this.
-- Wherever you go, there you are. --
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