mikibacsi1124 wrote:
Some aspies definitely are not very good at math. Myself, for one. I typically got B's and C's in math classes (I think I might have managed an A or two in high school Algebra), and completely struggled with Pre-Calculus and computer science. I worked harder to get a C in college Pre-Calc (after failing it the first time) than I did to get A's in a lot of other classes. Oh, and don't even get me started on science classes like Physics, Chemistry, and Meteorology.
There do tend to be differences between male and female aspies, but I'll leave that to people who know more than me on the subject. I think Mirror21 does have a point that the differences are perceptual due to gender roles.
Now that you mention it I have always struggled with any kind of science, but I was great at literature courses and photography, my favorite class in college was Choir Practice (and we did not even get a grade go figure!).
But to exemplify the gender role Idea: I am 29 years old and if i have a meltdown in the middle of a grocery store, people just think I am depressed, got bad news, I am having a sad day/moment or am on my period (crude i know). If a 29 year old man has a meltdown in a store he is "that weird guy".
Last time I tried to talk to a therapist about meltdowns she put me on mood stabilizers, like that helps sensory over stimulation.