I consider humans to be no less or more animals than the so-called lower life forms in the world. I generally do not believe or give much thought about if humans have actual souls, but if we do than animals should, too. But then that makes me feel guilty for not being a vegan. I like honey and would rather eat it than cancer-causing, bitter-tasting artificial sweeteners. I think testing things like medications and vaccines on rodents before even considering it's safe for humans is a wise. I think PETA is a hypocritical , cult-like organization. I believe pigs are smarter than dogs, but they taste better, too. I wonder why people don't try and save all the plant species that are also endangered and threatened, some partly by too many animals in one place. Maybe in the afterlife I will have to apologize to all the animals I've eaten, and to all the bugs and insects I've killed, whether it was intentional or accidental. This is because of something I once read in a Peanuts comic strip. I do consider myself to be maybe more intelligent than most non-human creatures, mainly by my ability to read, write and create things like art, and I consider most humans with similar or better skills in such things to also be intelligent. But that makes up a fairly small amount out of the billions of humans on Earth. I sometimes think there is a disease of some kind that is turning many people stupid, and that is why North American society does not really value things like intelligence and talent, and people become "celebrities" by acting idiotic on reality shows, and war and gun violence is seen as the answer to all the world's problems, and being an alcoholic or a drug addict is more acceptable than having a mental illness like schizophrenia. And when I say or do stupid things, such as suddenly forgetting how to spell a word I've spelled for decades, I think I am succumbing to this "stupid disease" as well. Another symptom is rambling on for too long like I have just done so now I will stop.