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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 May 2012, 6:18 pm

For the record, I have not yet been diagnosed (my evaluation is coming up soon. Yikes!), but I feel that I likely have Asperger's.

Anyhow, my question is, do you recall much of your childhood? My mom was not so nice, and I did have some teasing in school, but I wouldn't call my childhood traumatic. I don't believe that I am repressing my childhood or anything like that. And yet I recall very little of my childhood, or really my teen years and early adult years either. I feel like I only remember snippets of my life because I spent most of my time daydreaming. Even major events or times that were really enjoyable for me at the time are near impossible to recall. I feel like I don't have a clue who I was as a child. If it weren't for my parents and photos, I'm not sure I would even remember who my friends were or what trips we took. Can anyone else relate?


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29 May 2012, 6:21 pm

My childhood consists of moving once every few years, staying at the beach for hours on end, spending the rest of my time playing video games or avoiding my dad, or having little adventures. I've had one helluva childhood, I'll say that right now. :)

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29 May 2012, 6:30 pm

I remember very little, just bits and pieces really. My brother (whom I also suspect is an Aspie) claims to remember his own birth! Apparently many autistics make this claim, he is also a gifted musician.

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29 May 2012, 6:39 pm

I'm kinda still in it, but yes, I remember a lot.


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29 May 2012, 6:47 pm

From the age of 3 years onward, before that, when I was non-verbal, only a couple of scraps. Afterwards, almost everything. And we are talking 47 years of memories now.
I wish I *COULD* forget, frankly. Lots of bullying, borderline parental abuse, abuse from mis-guided teachers & other adults, health problems, crisis after crisis. Moving every year or two. Ugghh..



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29 May 2012, 7:00 pm

Yes. I basicaly didn't have a "childhood" but I can remember it very vividly. I was very emotinaly imature and was always at least three years younger than my physical age. But then as I said, I basicaly didn't have a childhood, so maybe I was just making up for lost time. I don't miss my childhood and would never go back to being a child for anything. My life started getting better when my parents finnaly pulled me of of public school and when they finnaly accepted my special intrests. I was always being told off for "living in a fantasy world" and I must have been given lectures about "reality" over umteen times. I was never really encouraged to "reach for the sky" and it seemed as if my parents were determined to shoot me down. I wasn't allowed to believe in myself. I wanted to be a veternarian for as long as I could remember but I had SEVERE dyscalculia which went undiagnosed and my parents tried to discourage me from wanting to be a vet because of vet school would be "too hard" for me. I was basicaly brainwashed into believing it until one day I woke up and realised my life is my own. Basicaly my parents were never really very encouraging. My father had severe PTSD and undiagnosed bi polar disorder. He would get drunk and go into rages and hit me so hard he left bruises. He never hit my mom or my brothers but I was his personal punching bag and even when he wasn't drunk he would litteraly throw me into walls when I was in the midst of a meltdown; and people wonder why my dad and I were never very close. I was never believed about how bad the bullying at school was and when something happened I was always told that it was my fault or wasn't as bad as I remembered it. I had teachers who were abusive but with my limited verbal skills, my parents didn't believe me and when I tried to tell them my teacher didn't like me, I was told it was becuase I wasn't making it easy for the teacher to like me; when in fact I was trying very hard to kiss the teacher's butt. I remember constantaly feeling as if I was walking on eggshells. Despite being told that everyone else felt like they were walking on eggshells just by being around me. If I didn't have such intense special intrests or a "fantasy world", I think my personality would have split a long time ago. I will never understand why people think being a child is so great. Maybe these people have some kind of Stolkholm Syndrome.

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29 May 2012, 7:02 pm

I've remembered a LOT more from my childhood since I learned I may have AS because I started trying to remember if I showed any signs when I was young. I can remember pretty well past 3 years old.

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29 May 2012, 7:08 pm

Yes, i remember too much from my childhood with many of those bad memories, many but not all as i do have repressed memories of my deviant abusive father before he was forcefully removed when i was 7.


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29 May 2012, 7:14 pm

I remember my childhood pretty well. I was generally happy as a kid, but I was also difficult to deal with. I had a lot of behaviors that, in hindsight, may have been associated with AS. In fact, my older sister told me outright recently that if I were a kid today, I may have been diagnosed with an ASD.


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29 May 2012, 7:19 pm

Yes outside of the crying and anxiety and shutdowns in school...I had great parents and a stable life I never changed schools I loved elementary school.....and I had friends then?..even though now that I look back I was more of their pet than friend I was happy


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29 May 2012, 7:21 pm

I remember a lot from early childhood like how the baby-seat of the car smelled, and how it felt rocking in it from right to left and biting into the black fabric of it and there was a hole in it and the polysterene showed and how it felt to put my finger into it and biting into it and I remember my mother preparing babyfood for me, a banana,, zwieback, an apple grated on a grater, which was out of plastic and red, and she would mix it with milk.
I would kept touching the grater to feel the structure of it with my tong and how it felt to rub the blue plastic spoon over it,because it made a certain noise.
And many of this early memories.

English is not my native language, so I will very likely do mistakes in writing or understanding. My edits are due to corrections of mistakes, which I sometimes recognize just after submitting a text.


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29 May 2012, 7:47 pm

Bits and pieces from around 4 on... some good some bad... military brat so we moved often.. remember my kindergarten teacher was a giant (I was short but remember her that way) lol

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29 May 2012, 7:58 pm

i remember being little! i have good long term memory but bad short term memory. i cant remember stuff like what was said or the details but i can remember all the events.

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29 May 2012, 8:57 pm

I remember right to the age of 2. My 1st memory is sitting in my crib pinching holes in a polystyrene box with a blue pen, n then a brown pencil n when that was soo annoying mum took it off me. I was wearing a white cloth nappy and no shirt that i also remember...

I remember the day i wanted to drink from the glass bottle when i was 2 and i said i wouldnt break it but i fell over on the stairs outside my grandparents laundry n broke it. we used to live with my grandparents waay back then.

I remember visiting my other grandparents (fathers side) for christmas when i was 2 and how I got a toy car from my cousin Lisa who dies a couple of years ago. I remember playing on the swings at the beach accross the road from where my grandparents lived when i was visiting.

I have a lot of memories from 2 years old. When I was 3 we moved, dont have too many memories of 3. 4 we moved again, I remember starting preschool. 5 I got sick and had to spend months in hospital, and then we moved after i got out. 6-7 i was in my 1st school while teh 1st year was good then the bullying started. at 7 i was evaluated fro ADHD which i did not end up having, cause i was so quiet and had a high IQ they found i was considered brilliant for a 7 year old. and yet i couldnt read or write bt my logic and ability was astounding.

I remember there was a conversation where my parents were told that i was slightly autistic but that was normal for my age at that time and that i would grow out of it. My parents neither of them, remember this...

Yeah im not gunna explain more but as you can see i have a pretty vivid memory of my childhood. mind you i wish i could forget all the beatings and floggings, and the domestic violence and the rape and all that other stuff i suffered....

Blue Jay
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29 May 2012, 10:00 pm

I dont remember much but my earliest memory is from the age of three when I went fishing on a blue boat and it started to rain. Other than that I only remember what I need to or what I cant forget and these memories are still never clear.

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29 May 2012, 10:09 pm

I remember very little - I'm not sure why, I've considered the idea that it may be related to the AS, it may be a result of minor strokes, or some memories I may have repressed. What little I do remember has been memories that have suddenly come back to me in recent years and I've made a point to remember them...however I can't be too sure that they're real memories or not, also what I do remember is often like I'm recalling an event in someone else's life rather than one of my own (I can't remember how I felt, and can only recall details not real memories).


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