IBS, AS, BP, OCD and Oh Lordie there are 2many acronyms!! !! !

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02 Apr 2013, 4:00 pm

As a kid I used to have terrible IBS. Would be in the bathroom cramped in pain for at least 45 minutes at a time, moaning and sweating. It went away for a while but decades later the ugly beast has reared its head again, oddly enough ever since I started exploring Asperger's and sorting through all my memories.

One would logically say, Well then STOP doing something if the result is something unpleasant. However, figuring out whether AS is in fact my correct Dx feels like a matter of life and death right now and quite an obsession (or Special Interest, I can't discern the difference at this point). What complicates it further is something that came up on my assessment at Seaver Institute: have I ever had any hypomanic episodes. Someone I've known for years says she has witnessed me have hypomanic states. Now I am wondering if in fact I might be bipolar (versus OCD, gifted, RAD, BPD). This just gets more and more complicated!! !

Anyway, who else here has had IBS as a recurring issue?

Anyone here have AS and BP combined?


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02 Apr 2013, 7:58 pm

ok - I only know a few of your acronyms... sorry. What is BP?

IBS.. yes have always had it. I have even had part of my colon and intestines removed due to two tumors. Also the cecum, appendix and 7 lymph nodes (sorry if too much info)

My official diagnosis just came recently -

Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent
Anxiety Disorder, NOS
Personality Disorder, NOS, Cluster B Features (Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD))

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02 Apr 2013, 8:11 pm

Yes, I've had life-long IBS issues. I have an attack anytime I have to do something stressful (e.g. doctor's appointment, like today), and am immediately fine a few hours after stressful event is over. It can also be set off by poor eating habits on my behalf, especially dairy. Sometimes stress-relieving substances help (anxiety meds, marijuana, meditation, what have you). Other times there is just no stopping it once it starts.

I was diagnosed with bipolar (rapid cycling with psychotic features) when I was 14, but I am now doubting the validity of that diagnosis. I did have some "psychotic features," namely paranoia and what I now know to be sensory sensitivities, but I think my mood upsets were most likely related to dealing with ASD issues. Also, I believe I had good reason to be paranoid, as people were constantly on my case about my eccentricities and so-called "attention-seeking." A diagnosis of shizoaffective and BPD were also considered by various psych people. Too bad they were all clueless about ASD, because I'm still trying to get that confirmed 10 years later!


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02 Apr 2013, 9:06 pm

I have had lifelong problems with my gut, sometimes severe, sometimes less so. Mostly to the extent that they made life unliveable.

The only thing that has helped me so far is colonic irrigation, and of course watching my diet. Colonic irrigation has changed my life.

I am actually having some trouble with my guts right now again, as my immune system was stressed recently and it all flared up again. Plus they get worse around my period.

I probably need another colonic soon.

I have to be super-careful with my diet, and I'm not, and that's another issue. I mean I eat very well indeed, all whole foods; but I eat probably more than I should (even just more fruit and vegetables), and I drink coffee. I am not willing to give up coffee as it is a small and very appreciated pleasure and I have very little pleasure in my life at all.
You have consider what compromises can and can't be made.

Plus leaky gut is very common on people on the Autism Spectrum, and I have had and still do have problems with that.

You may want to explore ways of repairing the gut lining, like taking flax oil and probiotics and food that nurtures healthy micro-organisms etc.

I understand about the list of diagnoses. I have a co-morbidity of severe OCD alongside my Aspergers, and apparently some serious Borderline Personality traits because of nurture experiences. Plus severe PTSD for the same reason. The nature stuff is just the Aspergers and OCD.

These explaining words are all fine in my opinion. We separate the body into different describing words so that we can talk about it right? Well, it is still one organism.
Mental life and experience is no different. Describing words and diagnoses are useful and necessary in my opinion. No matter how many is needed to describe your unique experience. They are all apt to some degree.

So, no, you're not alone!!

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03 Apr 2013, 2:30 am

I'd bet $ on salicylate sensitivity.

Guess what it causes/amplifies?

AS, BP, IBS/colitis & plenty more.

I've read that 60% of AS/ADHD brained people are gluten (from grains) & casein (from dairy) intolerant and 75% are salicylate acid sensitive. I have all 3 & more.

Read up on eliminating these things from your diet - it makes a world of difference.

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03 Apr 2013, 7:06 am

Funnily enough I took a day off work today because of IBS. It can last 3 days or sometimes for a week. When this happens, I constantly need to go to the toilet and everything else revolves around it. It's very hard to concentrate on work and also it's very embarrassing if people notice my frequent visit to the toilet at work.

I can relate to some people above. Cuckooflower's description "they made life unliveable" is how I felt. And yes, me either, I can't give up my coffee. It's one of the joys of life. I know caffeine is meant to be bad for IBS. I also have OCD. As gdgt said, it gets worse when I have to deal with something stressful. I heard stress probably may not be the cause of IBS, but once you have it, stress can greatly affect the severity of it.

I tried a lot of things such as high fiber bread, whole grain alternatives, vegetables high in fiber, beans etc. Whenever I buy something, diatery fiber content in the nutrition information is what I always look at. I tried yogurt. What helped me most dramatically is Metamucil/plain psyllium husk. Since I started to take psyllium husk daily, life changed dramatically. Before that, my life pretty much revolved around dealing with my gut function, but now the problem is only occasional (like today). I recommend psyllium husk, if you haven't used yet. I have never heard about this salicylate sensitivity that goldfish21 mentioned, but I might look into that as well. Anything is worth a try.

I wonder if the tumors that Valkyrie2012 mentioned are related to IBS. That sounds scary.

Regarding the relationship between AS/OCD and IBS, I'm not very clear. I do have a feeling they are somehow related. My guess is AS/OCD tend to make life very stressful and the stress triggers/worsens the symptoms of IBS that you are predisposed to.


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03 Apr 2013, 7:40 am

i do have a lot of trouble with my tummy, i usualy get indigestion after eating a big meal, and at night time i get a windy tummy alot. i am thankful my husband really doesnt mind, because i can't hold all that in. in fact he says it turn him on for some reason.

i dont know about if i got anything else though.


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03 Apr 2013, 7:41 am

Valkyrie2012 wrote:
ok - I only know a few of your acronyms... sorry. What is BP?

Here, "BP" means "bipolar." But it also means "blood pressure." The problem with acronyms is that the same acronym often can mean different things in medicine (or other categories).

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03 Apr 2013, 10:08 am

I've always had stomach issues and it always involved some form (lactose, usually) of intolerance.