Zexion wrote:
Why do you have sensory issues with socks? Why do they bother you?
Socks make my feet sweat and I hate that feeling. I live in South Florida so heat is year-round. When I'm home I go barefoot, and if I go out I wear sandals. I wear loafers to work or to functions.
I occasionally go running, so I will wear socks for that and also running shoes with laces, but that is the only pair of shoes I own with laces. I HATE laces...
I have a pair of loafers that are too tight but I love them (Bruno Magli) so I have to wear socks with them. I love to wear them for about an hour then I am dying to get out of them.
I wore socks every day in elementary school, middle school and high school but I was VERY particular about the type of socks I wore and the way they fit on my feet. I hadn't put much thought into it until this thread, actually...