animalcrackers wrote:
I find that when I really long for human contact, more often than not, I don't actually want to talk to people...I just want to be with people -- like in the same room, in their company, but not necessarily interacting with them directly....or maybe just playing cards or something, but without conversation.
Is anybody else like this?
Sounds very much like me. I think it's so lovely when we're just in the living room together preoccupied with separate quiet activities, like reading. It's so nice and relaxing
Thankfully I get this a bit with my family.
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy it when we play board/card games or talk and have fun.
I also like it when I'm with someone who won't (try to) force me into actively interacting with them, someone who can either be silent with me without feeling awkward, or being with at least 2 more people and just be still and quiet and listen to them. I met with two of my junior high classmates some years ago and at some point they started reminiscing about elementary school. They both went to another elementary school than I did, and I just sat back and listened and very much enjoyed hearing about their childhood memories before we got to know each other. It was so good to just be there and I was relaxed and they were taking care of the talking and it just felt really good. (I'm a sucker for nostalgia.) I like being a passive listener.
If I had known someone who was generally okay with being with, or who'd just let me be there, I might have been more interested in 'socializing' (not sure if it can rightly be called that).
I hear so much about lonely old people. If only they'd be happy to do the talking and were nostalgic, I would have been happy to spend time with them, but I guess most want actual interaction and active listeners. A pity, 'cause I love hearing stories about the olden days, old people's memories of the war, their childhood stories, what it was like to live back then.