Apple_in_my_Eye wrote:
Sometimes people do things that do not benefit themselves even when no one is looking. Maybe it's a cashier giving you a penny or a dime when you're a penny or dime short, or pulling over to the side of the road when you see an unattended accident on a back road.
While it may not immediately benefit the person doing those things, he/she could think that if they do that a little, and everybody else does it a little, then when he/she/you are stranded in a car during a flood someone may paddle a boat to get you. Sort of, if everyone "pays it forward" them everyone gets a small benefit, a bit like paying an insurance premium. In that sense, someone doing something that doesn't immediately benefit them, does benefit them.
But in the end you only do this for other people with the expectation that they would do the same for you. So if you never needed someone to do this for you, would it still be rational to do this for others?
Seems like you should never want do it just because you really want to help others, but eventually only to help out yourself.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want it to be this way, but it does seem to be that way. It's the same with love. There is no love. Everyone is just in it for selfish reasons unless there is something wrong with them.
That's why I often consider love between some autistics to be more "true": because there basically is something "wrong" with them, according to society.
It's difficult for me to not see the world as a bunch of selfish people, who think they care for each other, but eventually all they care about is themselves: they only care about others because they care about themselves. But I guess you should just love yourself immensely and play along in this hideous game. If you become selfish enough it will not be a problem for you. That's the key, and that's why most people don't see a problem with it. Because they truly are selfish to the bone.
If you really want to find unselfish people you have to go to an institution for mentally ill people. They are about to be "cured" for their unselfishness so they can get more healthy (i.e. more selfish and self-serving).