eric76 wrote:
My fantasies are plentiful but rather boring.
They tend to be about living in different places and what I would like to do there. For example, living in Alaska and going fishing whenever the weather is good. Or building a cabin in some remote part of Canada and being a hermit. Or living on a sailboat in the South Pacific.
What's boring about that? When I imagine it, I have lots of thoughts of adventurous things. Being in the wilds of nature hardly seems dull.
To answer the OP's question, I daydream about music, music and more music, astronomy, nature, my own life, crushes, love, sex, philosophical topics, problems I'm having that need figuring out, things I feel depressed about and how to feel better about them, stuff I have no control over, things I wish I had done or said, how things might be different now if only... etc. I think a lot of it is fairly normal except the way I daydream about music. It's really enthralling and I often have kind of an emotional high over it. The only other unusual thing is that it never seems to end, there's never really a conclusion to the daydreaming.