Moondust wrote:
CaptainTrips, "active but odd" is meant to differentiate with the introverted, aloof type. We're highly sociable and keep approaching people, feeling totally at ease with people, but we come across as odd.
I never saw the 'active' as meaning extrovert or at ease with people; I saw it as meaning more independent
I'm never at ease with people but I can be assertive in more formal situations
I feel the judgement of most people seeing me as 'odd' very heavily and I hate it!
It's like a denial of my right to equal treatment; a denial of me being just as valid and relevant as anyone else
it brings out the competitive spirit in me and I will actively seek ways in which they're wrong so I can be 'better' than them in that respect
I've noticed a definite correlation between the extent that a person finds me odd and a) the extent of their stupidity and b) the extent to which they'll be no good at their job
This gives me a sense of victory over these judgers of oddness!