Aspergers and Disturbed Circadian Body Rhythm

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

Joined: 9 Jul 2015
Age: 29
Posts: 146
Location: Philippines

27 Jul 2015, 4:06 am

I am sleepy most if the time because I sleep late at night, idk if it's just because I have to do my school works or the wi fi. But most of the time I can't get things done and I have trouble perceiving time itself. I wouldn't know what time is it unless I have watch with me or an alarm. I stopped using alarm to wake me up because it makes me feel irritated lol. Often times I'd go to school or any events late. As opposed to the stereotype that aspies who are OCDs are mostly concerned with being punctual and schedules but I'm not. I have disrupted sense of anything like a scatterbrain because I don't know how to organize things well. I often feel fatigue and most activities make me exhausted. I really need a time frame and I don't know what's wrong with me. Does anyone have also same experiences that I?