I've noticed there seems to be Asperger's traits among some of my relatives, but then I just think to myself that not all NTs are the same and that it could just be to do with all sorts of things, like shyness or depression or whatever.
My mum is NT but since she's gotten older she doesn't like socialising, and says she'd rather avoid vacations that involve mixing with other people. I'm glad she feels like that because that's exactly how I feel about mixing. When I go on vacations I go to explore and enjoy myself. I don't go to put more pressure on myself. Mixing with strangers inwardly makes me feel stressed (more so if it's an obligation), and the whole idea of going on a vacation is to relax, not feel worse.
My mum's sister tends to have a lot of visible AS traits, and sometimes she forces herself to appear more social but does make a lot of social faux pas, although not big enough to make her look ridiculous, but enough to be noticed if you pay close attention. Plus she has a lot of other unusual quirks. She could be diagnosable, but I'm not entirely sure.
My brother seems AS-ish, but he never caused concerns when he was a child, and so I just reckon it's depression built up, especially from having a sister (me) with AS who was quite a handful for my parents growing up. It seems that sometimes NT siblings can be emotionally affected if a sibling has AS or Autism. I really don't know why. Sometimes make me feel guilty, like I've let him down.
One of my teenage cousins often says he feels shy when going to the pub because he doesn't know what to say to most people, so he has now given up on going out on week-end nights, and prefers to go somewhere quiet with his friends. Also he is gifted, he's always been able to focus more on tasks like art and music, and has done some brilliant drawings from memory, and also has some wonderful talent with his guitar. But despite all that, I still know he is not Aspie.