Even before the Matrix (1999) came out, I always viewed anywhere outside of my apartment (or bedroom before I had an apartment) as an alien world. This probably started when I was a kid, seeing various science fiction programs and movies where people would go through a doorway to some other place they weren't a native of. Time tunnel, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits. Even the crew of the Enterprise beaming down to some alien world.
I think the Matrix scenario (as I view it) has become the staple of this way of seeing things. It's not real. What happens in it really doesn't matter. There's dangers and consequences to avoid while in it, but it's not real. It doesn't matter that much. The people I encounter are only operating according to the way they are programmed to. It's nothing personal.
In the Matrix I wear a costume. Shirt, pants, shoes. Usually I'm wearing a hat and shaded glasses as well. At home, I'm in my underwear. The minute the door to the outside world closes, the costume comes off. My world is real. The outside world is artificial.