Does it cause you any discomfort or kind of a chill down the spine effect whenever you hear people speaking negatively about people with AS-like traits? Like, I mean, just those situations where somebody complains about someone who exhibits certain traits which happen to closely correspond to those of Aspergers (but the complainer never mentions Aspergers by name?)
Cases in point, one time I overheard a co-worker at her desk talk on the phone about some guy "yeah, so and so was very bright, he was practically a genius, but he was never destined for management. He just couldn't read people, and he'd kind of space out if you tried to tell him something gently without telling him directly" then there was another time where a former girlfriend talked about a guy called "Creepy Charles" at her university where they guy would always walk fast with his head down, and if you asked how he was doing he would barely acknowledge, but he was VERY smart - although he would bore people with his pedantic subjects and alienate them.
There were others I heard, but those are a couple that come to mind. Sometimes my first inclination is to get paranoid and maybe think they're dropping ME a hint, but I didn't quite see it that way, I think they genuinely had hang-ups about those people and didn't see the same traits in me - especially since I've vastly improved from getting therapy, the right non-judgmental friends, consciously practicing NT behaviours to the point of greater retention as habits, etc. Still, it did cause me a bit of consternation knowing that I'd been there at one point before my diagnosis, so depending on how I felt, sometimes I'd defend the characters i.e. "well, he doesn't seem like such a bad guy, maybe a little odd, but who cares?" or I'd remain neutral with "oh well, there's all kinds in this world".