PhilosophicTurtle wrote:
My friends tell me that I'm really strong with my emotions, sometimes so strong that I can't focus or think. I read the source of all truth (Wikipedia) and I think I'm BPD. Do you feel the same way and does this happen to you?
Borderline Personality Disorder... I have a friend who is diagnosed with that amongst other diagnoses.
It can be serious.
It's almost impossible to diagnose over the net. We'd have to know so much detail including genetic/familial background as BPD is genetic a lot of the time a mother or father may have it.
BPD involves "Splitting" in which one's thinking would be in extremes black or white (.i.e. good or bad). Nouns can be all bad or all good.
There apparently is no shades of gray or half good or half bad in betweens. It's extremes.
There are 4 subtypes of the BPD personality according to one author:
The Witch
The Waif
The Hermit
The Queen
Here's a link to subtypes by Dr Millon:
According to Wikipedia, psychologist Theodore Millon identified four subtypes of borderline personality disorder (BPD). They are:
discouraged borderline–includes avoidant, depressive or dependent behaviors
impulsive borderline–includes antisocial or approval-seeking behaviors
petulant borderline–includes passive-aggressive behaviors
self-destructive borderline–includes depressive or self-destructive behaviors
A person with BPD may have none, one, or more than one of these subtypes. ... y_disorder
The above is from wiki, your probably familiar as you mentioned you went on Wiki...
BPD can be serious, with some it involves self harming behaviors such as cutting. Other times it has nearly destroyed families after children have suffered from having a mother who is BPD. They have groups on the net for the children to help them. (Adult children deal with their childhoods).
BPD can be genetic so if one of your parents has the symptoms, yet possibly never got a diagnosis it might make it more likely.
I'm not sure if it's genetic and environmental reasons (being that children would be exposed to the BPD parent growing up)..
You might possibly have Bi-Polar disorder