I almost never smile. Too difficult. Makes me look like a freak. My parents would never buy my school photos because they were always terrible.
I do laugh at stuff, but not stuff NTs laugh at. I seem to have my own sense of humour. It's not common, but I can get laughing hard sometimes.
I pretty much never cry. There's only been a few times I've ever cried in my life. A few times when I was a kid for various things (bullied, getting hurt, hair being combed, etc). Now that I'm older, I don't usually cry. I did once when my Grandpa died (but not because he died). That was a combo of me forcing myself to cry because everyone else was and I didn't understand why I wasn't. I tried to force myself to do so. Then I actually cried when I watched an episode of My Little Pony that resonated with me pretty deeply. I also sometimes cry if I start thinking about how sh***y things are.
I get angry a lot. In crowds, when people are being slow or stupid, if people aren't following rules, etc. It's pretty easy to get me worked up.
AQ: 42
Your Aspie score: 171 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 38 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie