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05 May 2013, 5:35 pm

This relates to AS since we tend to be more immature in our interest sometimes and such. In comparison from me to my 1 older sister and 1 (of my other) younger sisters I'm super childish. My older sister is in her 30's and I mention cartoons and stuff on shirts (I enjoy wearing young mens shirts with Superman etc. on them or cartoons.) She said she watched Jetsons the other day only because she flipped to it she doesn't go seeking it out. (As she put it.) Also she constantly puts down my interest in videogames.

My younger sister who is 13 thinks me standing on the curb at the theater is "weird" and me being excited for a movie and excitement to look at toys in Toysrus isn't right. I should be more mature. In these peoples eyes. :-(

It really bugged me today. Thinking on it alot. While I love watching cartoons and MLP:FiM and Adventure Time,Flinstones (so old or new I like usually both). Same for videogames classic or new DK or GTA fine by me. :-) I was just thinking perhaps others besides us grow up too fast?

What are your thoughts on "growing up?" I'm not totally immature! I am getting a Bachelor in Criminal Justice and love understanding killers. (scientifically OF COURSE!! !) But still can get excited for the latest movie or show episode. :-(

Thanks!! !


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05 May 2013, 5:41 pm

Maturity is stupid, and it sucks. I became an adult when I was still a child. And it sucked. In my 20's, I got stuck in my teenage years indefinitely, and it seems pretty cool.


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05 May 2013, 5:48 pm

We're only here for a short time, if someone likes or dislikes how you spend your time, that's their problem, not yours. At least that's how I see it. Ill be 32 in a few weeks, and I plan on riding bmx again after 15 years :) Life is too short to worry what others think.

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05 May 2013, 5:52 pm

I think its perfectly fine for us to persue our interests, even if there immature. I like the MLP series too. I also like videogames like Spyro the Dragon. It's not doing anyone any harm and, for me anyway, doing stuff like this gives me a nice break from reality.


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05 May 2013, 5:58 pm

I will never understand how specific interests and activities (like video games and cartoons) get conflated with im/maturity. It's bizarre.

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05 May 2013, 8:17 pm

Tyri0n wrote:
Maturity is stupid, and it sucks. I became an adult when I was still a child. And it sucked. In my 20's, I got stuck in my teenage years indefinitely, and it seems pretty cool.

This. When I was younger, I felt like the only adult in the room at times (even if there were adults there). Now, I feel like a kid. But I think it's because I socially act like an adult, but have interests like a kid.

MLP, video games, anime, cartoons, etc. Bring it on. All good stuff. But other people see them as "childish" even if they act childish themselves (get overly drunk/high, start fights, be obnoxious, etc).


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05 May 2013, 8:22 pm

I really think that there is a subtype of people with AS who constantly think and feel much younger than their actual age.

Although I don't really feel like this myself, I mentor others with AS, and two of the girls I have mentored are like this. They both love watching cartoons (for one it's mainstream kid's cartoons and for the other it's classic disney/retro cartoons) and quoting them/reinacting them to others. They often take their interests, which would be expected of someone quite a few years younger, very seriously (will get very excited about a movie/musical act etc). I don't think that it's a bad thing that they like these things, but one of them really wants friendships/a relationship and doesn't understand how these things can get in the way of people accepting her.

Given a “tentative” diagnosis as a child as I needed services at school for what was later correctly discovered to be a major anxiety disorder.

This misdiagnosis caused me significant stress, which lessened upon finding out the truth about myself from my current and past long-term therapists - that I am an anxious and highly sensitive person but do not have an autism spectrum disorder.

My diagnoses - social anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

I’m no longer involved with the ASD world.


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05 May 2013, 8:50 pm

I started noticing this about myself in my late 20's. I remember seeing a bumper sticker around that time that said, "I may be getting older, but I'm never going to grow up" and thinking, that's me. I still feel very much like a kid and my lifestyle and interests really aren't that much different. I've always felt a lot less mature than men my age. Not that I act immature, but I feel more like I'm still in my early 20's. I pretty much live life in a very simple manner without many responsibilities. I go outside and play so to speak the same as I used to as a kid. Instead of riding around on my bicycle I ride around on a small motorcycle. At home I eat junk food, watch TV and play around on the internet. Perpetual childhood; I like it.


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05 May 2013, 9:08 pm

Another perpetual child here! I'm very immature and irresponsible and have a very childlike life. I'm 28 and still live at home and still go to school and still just do two household chores. I play on the swings in a near by park and I watch children's cartoons. I read teen fantasy/sci-fi novels.

Yes, I think other people grow up too fast......they should slow down and wait for me! :lol:


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05 May 2013, 9:10 pm

It's odd, I've perpetually felt both older and younger than others my age my entire life. Relationship-wise, I feel like I'm where my friends were when they were about 15 (almost 27 now). Where I'm just feeling like a romantic relationship would be nice. However, being such a novice, I don't know how that will work....

On the flip side, I've always been more mature than my friends. I never saw the need to get drunk, party, do stupid things. I've always felt more akin with people much older than me and especially people 60+.


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05 May 2013, 9:24 pm

Thanks I agree with alot of the replies here. That older sister got all super excited for wine being on sale during Christmas. Like I do weekly for new show episodes or monthly for a movie or new video game. Yet OMG! SO EXCITED MY FAVORITE WINE IS ON SALE! OMG OMG OMG! *sheesh give me a break!! !* I drink occasionally but wine going on sale is OMG OMG! exciting!! !!

I feel bad for my 13 year old sister she feels she's too old for toys. I think becoming an adult can lead to depression some what. Instead of being excited over things alot or having a passionate obsessive interest in your career field probably leads to monotony and depression from same old same old vs. an Aspie who might be super psyched over there career!!

Thanks everyone.


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05 May 2013, 9:30 pm

zeldapsychology wrote:
Thanks I agree with alot of the replies here. That older sister got all super excited for wine being on sale during Christmas. Like I do weekly for new show episodes or monthly for a movie or new video game. Yet OMG! SO EXCITED MY FAVORITE WINE IS ON SALE! OMG OMG OMG! *sheesh give me a break!! !* I drink occasionally but wine going on sale is OMG OMG! exciting!! !!

I'd rather drink grape juice and pretend it's wine and pretend cola is whiskey :D


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05 May 2013, 9:40 pm

briankelley wrote:
zeldapsychology wrote:
Thanks I agree with alot of the replies here. That older sister got all super excited for wine being on sale during Christmas. Like I do weekly for new show episodes or monthly for a movie or new video game. Yet OMG! SO EXCITED MY FAVORITE WINE IS ON SALE! OMG OMG OMG! *sheesh give me a break!! !* I drink occasionally but wine going on sale is OMG OMG! exciting!! !!

I'd rather drink grape juice and pretend it's wine and pretend cola is whiskey :D

I'm Jewish and we drink wine at family dinners and on our holidays. It's a part of a lot of our religious customs. I always drink Manischewitz wine which is a wine that tastes like grape juice which we often have at family dinners for the kids to have a small bit of and drink when you're supposed to in our rituals. I drink a lot of it and the only time I really drink is at family dinners. That's the only wine I'll drink. :)


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05 May 2013, 9:52 pm

zeldapsychology wrote:
I feel bad for my 13 year old sister she feels she's too old for toys. I think becoming an adult can lead to depression some what. Instead of being excited over things alot or having a passionate obsessive interest in your career field probably leads to monotony and depression from same old same old vs. an Aspie who might be super psyched over there career!!

Everyone's already pretty much stated how I feel. I was much more mature than my "peers" when I was younger, then at some point it switched--according to the majority's notions of what is "proper" and "right." It's like people are supposed to operate on a very set "schedule" of "milestones" (beyond the developmental ones for young children, mind you). At a certain age, you stop caring about toys. At another, you're supposed to want a relationship. At yet another, you decide on a "career", marriage, kids, etc...and that's where you are forever.

I read this quote somewhere: "There is NO lifescript!" That is how I feel. Do what seems right to YOU, and what the "majority" thinks is hardly "gospel" (in case you hadn't noticed :roll: :lol: ). I still like certain cartoons, and can get excited over things that others probably wouldn't, etc., etc.,--and I teach classes online at my local university. I incorporate some of that so-called "childish" stuff into my lectures to illustrate points (comics, references to TV shows and movies)--and my students don't seem to mind at all.

Regarding this:

"When you grow up, your heart dies. --Claire (Molly Ringwald), THE BREAKFAST CLUB

I say: NEVER! :D

Regarding the "people won't accept you if you don't change this" thing: B.S. Who wants to be around those kinds of people anyway? I eventually found others of like mind--online and IRL--and I really believe that it can happen more often than we think. (Another "childish" trait = optimism? 8O )

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05 May 2013, 10:15 pm

I feel that others are growing up too fast. I'd rather be 21 forever than grow up.

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05 May 2013, 10:31 pm

I feel like others grow up faster than me and leave me behind.