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17 May 2013, 10:15 am

So there's a couple of my traits I'm wondering whether or not they can be applied to AS. I'm thinking some of them will but doubt all of them are.
I'm currently visiting a therapist who's helping me look for coping mechanisms. If I know what things I can bring up because they can be managed it could be really helpful.

-I get pissed when people don't listen/I have to repeat myself over and over again.
For instance a couple of weeks ago my mom, sis and me were browsing for some new pants for me. Apparently around here, it's become the fashion again to wear colorful (red, green, orange) pants. Not only do I hate those colors on pants, they're made of a fabric I'm not comfortable with wearing. I pretty much only wear jeans and slacks.

So I told them "No I don't like those kinds of pants. I think they're ugly." But they tried to get me to try on pants like that about 10 times. I told them "ffs it's the tenth time I have to repeat myself, I THINK THOSE PANTS ARE UGLY." Do they really think trying on something is suddenly going to make me change my mind? I got pretty mad.

Another time I was staying with family while I had a cold. I had two packs of tissues left in my pocket, more than enough. So my aunt and and uncle asked me if I needed another pack. I said "No I'm fine, I've got enough tissues." But then they asked me again. And again. And again. Every 10 minutes or so. Every time I gave a similar response, only with more and more irritation in my voice every time.
After a while they got so stubborn they gave me a pack of tissues anyway.
I understand if strangers mistake this for NT polite social beating around the bush, but my family should know me long enough to know that I'm assertive enough to say yes if I want one.
To be fair I wasn't diagnosed with AS yet, but why is it impossible for people to listen?

-Conversations with only questions drive me crazy.
My uncle (same one as the tissue thing) is a great guy, but it seems impossible for him to have a normal conversation. He just asks me questions, and most of them aren't even open questions, but yes/no. It's normal to ask a question or 2 when the conversation is dying, and then continue talking about the answers.
But with him it's just for example. "Did you go to the same bar as last time?" 'Yes, same bar as always.' "Were there a lot of your friends?" 'There were a couple of them as usual.' "Were there any cute girls?" 'Yes, but I didn't talk to any.'
After 10-15 minutes I'm really annoyed.

-There are foods I like to eat separately and that are a popular combination, yet I don't like eating them together.
For instance I like white bread and I love eating young cheese (like gouda) in cubes, but I wouldn't eat a sandwich with young cheese in between. If someone gave me one, I'd just take off the cheese and eat both separately.

-Actually in general I hate mixing my food. I don't want my meat to touch my mashed potatoes. I don't want my sauce anywhere but on my meat. And I rarely put two different food items in my mouth. So when I cook I make my meat first, wash my plate and then put my rice or whatever on my plate. When there's some sauce left on my plate and I ask for seconds, I usually use my fork to keep the sauce in place and hope the person puts the food on the empty space of my plate.
I do like tomatoes and cucumbers and order them on my kebab, but I fish them out of my food and eat them separately as well.

-I find the vast majority of (especially cooked) vegetables disgusting, even the smell is enough to destroy my appetite. Yet I can eat almost any kind of soup. With the exception of pea soup. The texture alone is disgusting.

-I do like to eat bananas, but the fibers that stay behind on my teeth are really annoying for me.

-I usually plan on going to the store for hours, yet I almost always arrive last-minute.

-I HATE it when people twist my words and or me of something that isn't true. Even if it's something really trivial, like who the last person to hold the remote was. I'm pretty sure as AS being literal and NT reading more in between the lines this is something I'll face for the rest of my life.

-When people misunderstand my actions or intentions, I get really stressed out. Nothing gets me more troubled than someone I care about, carrying a wrong idea. I always feel like better explaining my thoughts and actions so they don't think less of me as a person. But most people see it as me thinking I have to answer to them.

-I am TERRIBLE in finding items that I'm looking for for the first time, even if they made it really clear where to look. I'm almost as terrible in looking for items that have been moved.
Often an object is right in the center of my sight and yet I don't see it.

-I hate sleeping bags. I don't want to be restricted. If I have to use one, I just zip it open and use it as a blanket.
I just hate feeling physically restricted in any way, but it could just be because I'm claustrophobic.


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17 May 2013, 10:51 am

Lot of people get annoyed with tons of questions being asked. I thought it was an ASD thing to ask lot of them. Does your uncle have it or does he have some other problem?

It also bothers me when people don't listen so I say "I told you already bla bla bla don't ask me that again."

It's common in people with ASDs to not want their foods to touch. Some NT kids and grown ups are the same way but they could have that problem too as ASDs but they make it part of it because it's common. My NT brother was the same way too and I don't know if he still dislikes his food being touched. He was a picky eater growing up and I suspect he had food texture issues and then mom took care of it when he was eight. he got tired of having corn dogs every day and started eating what Mom made for dinner. This tough love approach won't normally work with ASDs. I am sure it may not work with some NT kids either if they had texture issues because it sure wouldn't work with my NT niece. She would rather starve than eat if it's something she doesn't want.

May be an ASD thing because it sounds like a sensory issue you mentioned.

I have seen posts here by users who also have to plan on going somewhere, I am the same way. What do you mean by last minute? Like you just force yourself to go all of a sudden to get it over with?

Lot of people hate it when their words get twisted. even I hate it too. When a person keeps on doing it, I don't find it worth talking to them and arguing because it's talking to a brick wall and not getting through to them. it's like arguing with stupid.

People misunderstanding your actions and intentions may be an ASD thing because it has to do with communication and body language. It happens to NTs too but it's more common in us.

There have been threads here about not being able to find something and it was in front of you or out int he open the whole time. Mom used to say "if it had teeth, it would bite."

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.


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17 May 2013, 10:58 am

sixstring wrote:
So there's a couple of my traits I'm wondering whether or not they can be applied to AS. I'm thinking some of them will but doubt all of them are.
I'm currently visiting a therapist who's helping me look for coping mechanisms. If I know what things I can bring up because they can be managed it could be really helpful.

-I get pissed when people don't listen/I have to repeat myself over and over again.

Nope, nearly everyone gets pissed when they're ignored like that. It's rude, it erases you, it's disrespectful.

-Conversations with only questions drive me crazy.

Nope. You're right, there's a give & take to conversation & your uncle isn't very good at it. The fact that you have a sense of prosody may actually be a sign you're not ASD.

-There are foods I like to eat separately and that are a popular combination, yet I don't like eating them together.

-Actually in general I hate mixing my food.

This is a maybe...sounds like possible sensory processing disorder, which may be part of the ASD complex, but not necessarily. May also be OCD.

-I find the vast majority of (especially cooked) vegetables disgusting, even the smell is enough to destroy my appetite. Yet I can eat almost any kind of soup. With the exception of pea soup. The texture alone is disgusting.

-I do like to eat bananas, but the fibers that stay behind on my teeth are really annoying for me.

Same as above.

-I usually plan on going to the store for hours, yet I almost always arrive last-minute.

To non-specific to tell. Maybe ADD/ADHD or possibly part of the complex.

-I HATE it when people twist my words and or me of something that isn't true. Even if it's something really trivial, like who the last person to hold the remote was. I'm pretty sure as AS being literal and NT reading more in between the lines this is something I'll face for the rest of my life.

-When people misunderstand my actions or intentions, I get really stressed out. Nothing gets me more troubled than someone I care about, carrying a wrong idea. I always feel like better explaining my thoughts and actions so they don't think less of me as a person. But most people see it as me thinking I have to answer to them.

I think most people hate being misinterpreted, having their motives or understanding misunderstood, brushed off, ignored. Again, it's about feeling invisible, erased, disrespected. A common experience for NT & ASD alike.

-I am TERRIBLE in finding items that I'm looking for for the first time, even if they made it really clear where to look. I'm almost as terrible in looking for items that have been moved.
Often an object is right in the center of my sight and yet I don't see it.

Visual processing disorder. A maybe.

-I hate sleeping bags. I don't want to be restricted. If I have to use one, I just zip it open and use it as a blanket.
I just hate feeling physically restricted in any way, but it could just be because I'm claustrophobic.

Again, a possible sensory processing issue. So a maybe.


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17 May 2013, 11:06 am

Try not excusing everything about you on possible Aspergers or Autism diagnosis. It might help you better believing what you have given us in your examples as being a part of who you are. I would think how you communicate things to people might have more to do with a possible diagnosis, not your preferences and personality.

-I get pissed when people don't listen/I have to repeat myself over and over again.
I generally like to repeat myself sometimes, but not to the point where a person doesn't listen. I think this is more a preference thing than an Aspergers trait.

-Conversations with only questions drive me crazy.
This drives just about anyone crazy. Plenty of people feel like they are being interrogated or interviewed. This probably isn't just an AS thing or NT thing. How you react doesn't really matter either. but if you show a low frustraton tolerance, it could be an Aspergers or Autism diagnosis item.

-There are foods I like to eat separately and that are a popular combination, yet I don't like eating them together.
For instance I like white bread and I love eating young cheese (like gouda) in cubes, but I wouldn't eat a sandwich with young cheese in between. If someone gave me one, I'd just take off the cheese and eat both separately.
This is a preference. Not so sure if you should call it something relating to a diagnosis.

-I usually plan on going to the store for hours, yet I almost always arrive last-minute.
More than likely how you like to plan things and follow through. Not an Aspergers or NT thing.

-I HATE it when people twist my words and or me of something that isn't true. Even if it's something really trivial, like who the last person to hold the remote was. I'm pretty sure as AS being literal and NT reading more in between the lines this is something I'll face for the rest of my life.
The longer you speak can sometimes mean the more trouble you get into. Remember LESS IS MORE. Let everyone else interpret what they want from what you say and just follow through with what you actually mean by what you said if actions are required. For literal thinkers, it seems we get asked the most questions based on what we meant because others may have a hard time reading between the lines with us. This is how trouble starts.

-When people misunderstand my actions or intentions, I get really stressed out. Nothing gets me more troubled than someone I care about, carrying a wrong idea. I always feel like better explaining my thoughts and actions so they don't think less of me as a person. But most people see it as me thinking I have to answer to them.
Everyone is guilty with doing this to eachother. Words usually mean less than actions do anyway. Explaining your actions could show a person who shows lack of confidence, not so much a diagnosis.

-I am TERRIBLE in finding items that I'm looking for for the first time, even if they made it really clear where to look. I'm almost as terrible in looking for items that have been moved.
This is about how instructions are given and who is good at giving them and who is good at listening to them.

-I hate sleeping bags. I don't want to be restricted. If I have to use one, I just zip it open and use it as a blanket.
I just hate feeling physically restricted in any way, but it could just be because I'm claustrophobic.

This may have nothing to do with Aspergers or Autism at all. You're probably right about possible claustrophobia.


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17 May 2013, 11:23 am

aspiemike wrote:
Try not excusing everything about you on possible Aspergers or Autism diagnosis. It might help you better believing what you have given us in your examples as being a part of who you are. I would think how you communicate things to people might have more to do with a possible diagnosis, not your preferences and personality.
I'm not trying to find excuses. I'm trying to find ways my AS is holding me back so I can work on those issues.
If they're not really AS related there might be other people to talk to.

With the store, it's mostly thinking "I should go", looking at the clock and seeing there's still time. This lasts until it's about 15 minutes before the store closes, when I realize if I don't go now I won't be there in time.


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17 May 2013, 11:28 am

sixstring wrote:
I'm trying to find ways my AS is holding me back so I can work on those issues.
If they're not really AS related there might be other people to talk to.

A lot of what you describe is interpersonal communication they can be addressed by working on communication skills. Nearly everyone I've ever met needed to work on those. You may need to specifically find someone who is very good at describing communication events & skills rather than assuming you can 'make the leap'...again, not diagnostic of ASD, but rather that there's way to much assuming going on out there & it's clogging up genuine communication.

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17 May 2013, 12:13 pm

sixstring wrote:

-I get pissed when people don't listen/I have to repeat myself over and over again.

That's a human thing, everyone gets annoyed when nobody listens. However, I suspect Aspies might be less likely to ignore repeated messages.

-Conversations with only questions drive me crazy.
My uncle (same one as the tissue thing) is a great guy, but it seems impossible for him to have a normal conversation. He just asks me questions, and most of them aren't even open questions, but yes/no. It's normal to ask a question or 2 when the conversation is dying, and then continue talking about the answers.
But with him it's just for example. "Did you go to the same bar as last time?" 'Yes, same bar as always.' "Were there a lot of your friends?" 'There were a couple of them as usual.' "Were there any cute girls?" 'Yes, but I didn't talk to any.'
After 10-15 minutes I'm really annoyed.

Hmm. I suspect most NTs wouldn't let the conversation reach that point. They'd either ask questions back, or indicate somehow that they don't want to keep talking.
-There are foods I like to eat separately and that are a popular combination, yet I don't like eating them together.

Aspie thing, yeah. We have sensory issues with the touch and taste of foods, and don't necessarily like them being mixed. I know I don't like having cheese on jacket potato, for example.

-Actually in general I hate mixing my food. I don't want my meat to touch my mashed potatoes. I don't want my sauce anywhere but on my meat. And I rarely put two different food items in my mouth. So when I cook I make my meat first, wash my plate and then put my rice or whatever on my plate. When there's some sauce left on my plate and I ask for seconds, I usually use my fork to keep the sauce in place and hope the person puts the food on the empty space of my plate.
I do like tomatoes and cucumbers and order them on my kebab, but I fish them out of my food and eat them separately as well.

-I find the vast majority of (especially cooked) vegetables disgusting, even the smell is enough to destroy my appetite. Yet I can eat almost any kind of soup. With the exception of pea soup. The texture alone is disgusting.

-I do like to eat bananas, but the fibers that stay behind on my teeth are really annoying for me.

Yeah, Aspies are more likely to be fussy eaters, as outlined above.

-I usually plan on going to the store for hours, yet I almost always arrive last-minute.

No idea on this one, sorry.

-I HATE it when people twist my words and or me of something that isn't true. Even if it's something really trivial, like who the last person to hold the remote was. I'm pretty sure as AS being literal and NT reading more in between the lines this is something I'll face for the rest of my life.

-When people misunderstand my actions or intentions, I get really stressed out. Nothing gets me more troubled than someone I care about, carrying a wrong idea. I always feel like better explaining my thoughts and actions so they don't think less of me as a person. But most people see it as me thinking I have to answer to them.

All people dislike being misunderstood or misrepresentated. Aspies tend to have stronger reactions though, we're "truth seekers".
-I am TERRIBLE in finding items that I'm looking for for the first time, even if they made it really clear where to look. I'm almost as terrible in looking for items that have been moved.
Often an object is right in the center of my sight and yet I don't see it.

-I hate sleeping bags. I don't want to be restricted. If I have to use one, I just zip it open and use it as a blanket.
I just hate feeling physically restricted in any way, but it could just be because I'm claustrophobic.

All Aspie things, sensory issues.