U won´t see an Asperger that have the obsess of meeting new people or going for sports like football, volleyball that requires teamplaying and cooperating with a lot of different people.
You wouldn't think so, neither would I, but for some weird reason I happen to obsess with certain people. I didn't have any obsessions when I was a small child, but when I got to about 11, I started getting intense obsessions with people. I am currently obsessed with bus-drivers, and bus-drivers are people, and so this obsessions requires social interaction if I want to pursue it even further. So when I'm looking out for buses, I'm not all interested in the way the buses are built and I can't give an intelligent monologue about how buses work, and I can't memorize the routes or the times or the numbers and destinations of the buses (I barely remember the times of the bus that I get almost every day, I still have to keep looking at the timetable). I just look out for the buses just for the men driving them.
Even my grandmother said, ''they just fascinate you because they're bus-drivers.'' She's right.
I would have thought Aspies naturally wouldn't get obsessions with people.