Jamesy wrote:
Is the adversity us aspergers people suffer at the hands of society correlate to that of the slave trade or how African people were treated in the 17th century?
OMG NO! All animals loath the dissimilar ones.
The slavers were mostly just trying to resolve their own cognitive-dissonance and rationalize/justify their awfulness because slaves were
What happens to us is instinctive -most can't help it- what happened to them was a willful choice to be vile.
TPE2 wrote:
An important difference is that was a conscious and explicit discrimination against slaves, Africans, etc. In contrast, I doubt that is much conscious discrimination against people with AS, because:
- many (most) people with AS are undiagnosed
- the great majority of the population never heard about asperger's
(14.01.b) cogito ergo sum confusus