SaveTigers wrote:
Hi-- I was just noticing a pattern. I don't think I'm imagining it. It seems that there are more posts about having awful days, being miserable being an Aspie, and feeling lonely noticing couples in public, etc. when it's a weekend day. I wonder if weekends are harder for we Aspies. I know for myself, I have always hated Sundays. I think the reason is that there is almost no routine on weekends for a lot of people. For instance, I like to get my mail (I know that sounds silly, but I find it comforting). On Sundays, in addition to other routines not being there, there is no mail delivery. Also, a lot of my favorite stores or restaurants are closed on Sundays. Saturdays are hard too, but better. My daughters, who are living with me and are also adult Aspies, have a hard time on weekends because their dad is home in the morning, whereas during the week he goes to work early and they have a quiet house to wake up to (my husband is NT, gregarious, talkative and noisy!).
Does anyone else find weekends more difficult?
I don't find weekend days to be negative at all, but I do have problems with the routine being all SNAFU'd on weekends (especially Sunday). I know what you mean about getting the mail. I "need" to do that too every day, even when I know there's nothing important coming. It's just that it's part of the day, and it needs to be done! Also I live near a railroad track, and part of my keeping time is that I hear certain train horns that are slightly different tones, and I know the sounds of the 6:15AM train, versus the 6:25 train, etc. I don't know if they run the same engine on the same train on purpose, or if it's a coincidence, but I rely on it for subliminal time keeping so as I don't run overtime fooling around on the internet, or miss weather report on TV at 7:05AM. On Sunday, the trains run all different, and there is no morning TV news on the channel I watch, so I have to come up with a whole different set of routines. I do the laundry on Sunday, so the washing machine and dryer finishing their cycles, replaces the train horns. I know it sounds goofy, but it works. It boils down to the fact that I have a Mon-Fri routine, and a Saturday routine, and a Sunday routine.